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摘  要

    关键词:电影市场  刺激作用  文化产业


With the rapid development of China's social economy, Chinese has become the world's second largest economy, cultural industry is developing at top speed. In the major categories of culture industry, several major categories of film, music, drama, art and other equally important, they form a China coordinated development of cultural industry.But a few categories of cultural industries and the impact is the biggest, is the film industry. Whether from the aspect of box office income, social influence, the movie industry has the huge deterrent force other industries do not have. China film has reached the first billion at the box office in 2010, occupies a large proportion in the culture industry of the total income but also the social and audience of continuous research and deep thinking.Development must be accompanied by the problem, Chinese film market stimulation effect on the cultural industry is multifaceted, embodies the aim of this paper is to stimulation, try to find the problem and propose solutions. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
    Key words:Film market;Stimulation;Cultural industry

目  录
引    言    1
一、我国电影产业发展概述    1
(一)在低谷中积蓄能量    1
(二)政策及市场主体的作用    2
(三)营销方式与“技术流”    2
二、多角度论述中国电影市场对文化产业的刺激作用    2
(一)中国电影市场为文化产业找到核心竞争力    2
(二)中国电影市场为文化产业提供了政策借鉴    3
(三)中国电影市场为文化产业在品牌推广上提供了方式借鉴    3
三、试对中国电影市场及文化产业的发展提出合理化建议    4
(一)管办要分家    4
(二)注重版权的开发和保护    4
(三)注重核心人才的培育    4
结    论    6
参考文献    7
