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石家庄鸿锐公司内部审计存在问题及对策研究(任务书,开题报告,开题报告检查表,中期报告,外文翻译,毕业论文16000字)  摘要 随着市场经济的发展,企业竞争环境的日益加剧,要求企业必须建立健全一套科学的内在制约机制,而内部审计则是保证这一制约机制正常运转的重要手段之一。在此环境下,企业如何更好发挥内部审计作用,提升企业竞争能力已经成为企业经营管理中十分重要的问题。然而调查显示,目前我国内部审计的工作内容仍以财务审计为主。内部审计长期被冷落、闲置,有的企业甚至出现了随意撤消内部审计机构、随意精简内部审计人员的情况。在向管理要效益的今天,作为现代企业管理体制必不可少的重要管理工具,内部审计必须寻求改变。 本文通过对鸿锐公司内部审计产生和发展历程的探讨,系统的分析了内部审计的本质、职能和基本任务,从完善企业组织治理结和企业财务治理结构、保障组织高效运营到建立和完善内部控制制度等方面,多角度的对鸿锐公司内部审计进行了分析。针对鸿锐公司经营特点,理论联系实际,具体探讨了鸿锐公司内部审计的现状和存在的问题。通过结合国际内部审计的现状和发展趋势,对改进鸿锐公司内部审计提出了相应的意见和建议,并从制定内部审计年度计划、审计现场实施、企业风险审计、在管理领域拓展审计范围、企业道德文化建设等方面对鸿锐公司公司内部审计做了全面规划,对大型企业的内部审计工作,具有一定的理论意义和较强的实践指导作用。 关键词:内部审计  公司治理  内部控制  鸿锐公司  审计流程   Research on Problems and Countermeasures of Internal Audit of Shijiazhuang Hongrui Company Abstract With the development of market economy, the enterprise environment of competition intensifies day by day, require enterprise must establish and improve a set of scientific internal restriction mechanism, and the internal audit is to ensure the normal operation of the restrictive mechanism is one of the important means. In this environment, enterprise how to better play the role of internal audit, improve enterprise competitive ability has become the enterprise management is an important problem. But the investigation shows, at present our country internal audit work in financial audit. The internal audit has long been ignored, idle, some enterprises even a casual, casual undo internal audit institutions to streamline the internal audit staff. On the effective management to the today, as a modern enterprise management system the important and indispensable management tools, internal audit must seek to change. This article through to the group companies have internal audit and development of the system, analysis of the internal audit of the essence, function and basic task, from perfect enterprise organization governance and corporate financial governance structure, efficient operation of security organizations to establish and perfect the internal control system and other aspects, many angles to the group company internal audit are analyzed. According to group company operating characteristics, theories contact actual, specific discussed group company internal audit of the status quo and existing problems. Through a combination of international internal audit of the status quo and trend of development, to improve the internal audit of group company offered corresponding opinion and proposal, and from the formulation of annual internal audit plan, audit risk, audit, on-site implementation of enterprise in the field of management audit scope, expand enterprise moral culture and other aspects of group internal audit made a comprehensive planning, for large enterprises in the internal audit work, has certain theory significance and the practical guidance. Key words: Internal Audit ;Internal control; Corporate governance;Hongrui company;The audit process   目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.1.1研究背景 1 1.1.2研究意义 1 1.2国内外相关研究 2 1.2.1国外相关研究 2 1.2.2国内相关研究 3 1.3研究内容及研究思路 4 2 内部审计基本理论概述 6 2.1内部审计的概念及特征 6 2.2内部审计的内容 6 2.3 内部审计的作用 7 3 鸿锐公司内部审计现状及问题分析 8 3.1鸿锐公司现状 8 3.1.1鸿锐公司简介 8 3.1.2公司内部审计现状 9 3.2公司内部审计存在的问题 11 3.2.1管理制度方面 11 3.2.2审计方法方面 12 3.2.3审计内容方面 13 3.3问题产生的原因分析 15 3.3.1内部审计的法规制度不完善 15 3.3.2公司领导对审计工作认识不足 15 3.3.3公司领导对审计的认识存在误区 16 3.3.4内部审计与公司治理的关系割裂 16 4 完善鸿锐公司内部审计的对策 17 4.1关于公司内部审计制度的完善对策 17 4.1.1转变管理模式,改善审计定位 17 4.1.2增加审计人员,提高审计人员综合素质 17 4.1.3扩宽审计业务覆盖面,在各子公司建立审计部门 18 4.2关于公司内部审计方法的完善对策 18 4.2.1健全内控制度,强化预算控制体系 18 4.2.2由单纯的账表导向型审计向风险导向型审计转变 19 4.3关于公司内部审计内容的完善对策 20 4.3.1完善应收账款审计 20 4.3.2完善出纳与记账制度的内部审计 20 4.3.3完善采购与付款内部审计 20 5 结论 24 致  谢 25 参考文献 26 毕业设计(论文)知识产权声明 27 毕业设计(论文)独创性声明 28 附录 外文文献及翻译 29