
密 惠 保
摘 要:金银花是国务院确定的70种名贵中药材之一,也是国家重点治理的38种名贵中药材之一。近几年,汨罗市引进金银花种植技术,积极发展,然而作为后来者的汨罗金银花在产业发展和营销过程中问题层出不穷。产品形式相对单一,附加值低;售价偏低;销售渠道局限;营销滞后等。诸多问题使汨罗市金银花市场营销收效不高,市场占有率低。本文旨在通过对汨罗市金银花营销的内外部环境进行SWOT分析,提出产品差异化,价格多层次,渠道多样化等值得借鉴的建议,以期构建一个能有利于解决当前所面临问题的营销策略,促进汨罗市金银花事业的发展。
关键词: 湖南;汨罗;金银花;营销策略;分析
Analysis on the marketing strategy of honeysuckle of Miluo City
Abstract: Honeysuckle is one of the 70 kinds of rare Chinese herbal medicine that determined by the State Council, is also belong to the 38 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines of national key management . In recent years, Party committee and government of Miluo City introduce honeysuckle cultivation technology and develop quickly. however in recent years,as the successor,problems of the development and the marketing process emerge in an endless stream. Products’ relatively form、low added value; Miluo honeysuckle ‘s price is lower than other areas’、 sales channels is not fully open, and a lag marketing level. Many problems make Miluo City honeysuckle marketing effects low with a low market share. By doing a SWOT analysis and research on honeysuckle marketing environment of Miluo City, This article aim at bringing up some valuable suggestions .Such as product differentiation, different levels of price, channel diversification,to build a conducive marketing strategy which can resolve the faced problems currently and promote honeysuckle development of Miluo City .
Key words: Hunan,Miluo, Honeysuckle, Marketing strategy,Analysis
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、绪论 2
(一)研究背景和意义 2
(二)国内外研究现状 3
1.国外研究现状 3
2.国内研究现状 4
3.简要述评 5
二、汨罗市金银花营销策略的现状及存在的问题 6
(一)汨罗市金银花营销策略的现状 6
(二)目前所面临问题 6
1.产品形式单一 6
2.产品售价偏低 7
3.销售渠道局限 7
4.营销素质不高 8
三、汨罗市金银花营销策略的SWOT分析 8
(一)优势 8
1.优越的自然地理条件 8
2.品种良种化率高 8
3.企业品牌意识增强,产业逐渐成规模 8 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
4.地区丰富旅游资源成为支撑产业发展的另一个引擎 9
(二)劣势 10
1.品牌知名度低,市场竞争力弱 10
2.区域市场同质化,扩张步伐受阻 10
3.企业与花农、与上下游企业的关系不稳定 11
4.企业员工技术力量参差不齐,员工培训力度不强 11
(三)机会 12
1.政府扶持地方产业化发展 12
2.茶饮料市场发展迅猛 12
3.文化旅游成为未来茶业发展的新亮点 13
(四)威胁 13
1.金银花生产竞争激烈 13
2.金银花产品质量安全问题面临巨大压力 13
3.中介服务体系不健全 14
4.相关标准的提高 14
(五)小结 14
四、汨罗金银花营销策略的选择 14
(一)产品策略 14
(二)价格策略 15 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
(三)渠道策略 15
(四)推广策略 16
五、结束语 17
参考文献 17
致谢 19 [来源:http://www.think58.com]