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Language Stylistic Feature and Culture Analysis of Journalistic English
Abstract:With the continuous deepening of the economic, cultural globalization is more urgent. This study focused on English language features of cultural connotations in the news. Grasp of language features and cultural implications of the news in English, of great benefit to improve the reading and comprehension skills.
Journalistic English research and study focused on performance and usage of English language news media. News in English as an information media, its purpose is to help reader timely access to the main content. Journalistic English will undoubtedly help us to learn modern English use of genre and style, and expand the horizons of learning, enrich the knowledge of all aspects. Journalistic English is to learn and master one of the most practical ways to modern English.

Key words:Journalistic English   Language  Lexical Features   Grammatical   Cultural   Journalistic language



关键词:新闻英语  语言  词汇特征  英语语法  文化关联  新闻语言

1. Introduction    4
2. Theoretical Framework    4
2.1 Lexical Features of Journalistic English    5
2.2 Grammatical Features of Journalistic English    10
3. Culture Analysis of Journalistic English    11
3.1 News Values    11
3.2 News Function in Culture Globalization    16
4. Conclusion    19


References    20 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]