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摘  要:


Abstract   Children from the reception class have just moved from home to kindergarten.Good behavior is the foundation of all activities.Most of the activities of children aged 3-4 are carried out in life.Apart from the teacher's education, the impact of the family environment is also essential.Only through the efforts of both sides can we cultivate the good behavior habit of the young children.Give the children the correct guidance and create the harmonious situation.This article takes the observation method and the interview method.Observe the behavior of children from the reception class and discovers that the children have many bad behavior habits.Propose some suggestions for the education that are beneficial to the behavior of children from the reception class after analyzing the causes of concrete habits.  Key words:  Home total teach ;Children from the reception class;Behavior habits [资料来源:THINK58.com]

目  录
如何培养小班幼儿良好行为习惯    1
前言    1
1、  小班幼儿行为习惯及存在问题    2
1.1 行为习惯的内容:    2
1.2 小班幼儿存在的不良行为。    2
1.2.1学习习惯影响幼儿未来学习。    2
1.2.2幼儿依赖性强导致常规差。    3
1.2.3小班攻击性行为频发。    4
1.2.4不良卫生习惯,影响健康。    5
2、 存在不良行为习惯的原因    5
2.1幼儿存在问题未被重视。    5
2.1.1幼儿注意力不集中,理解能力弱。    5
2.1.2判断能力弱导致小错不断。    6
2.2 家长溺爱,幼儿服务意识弱。    6
2.2.1幼儿在家动手机会少。    6
2.2.2教师家长教育方式相异。    6
2.3自我意识强,攻击行为频发。    6
2.3.1生活环境改变。    6
2.3.2多方面原因影响。    7


2.4家长和教师引导不足。    7
3、 养成良好行为习惯的建议    7
3.1针对培养幼儿学习习惯的建议    7
3.2针对培养幼儿自我服务行为习惯的建议    8
3.3针对幼儿有社会性行为习惯建议    8
3.4 针对幼儿卫生习惯的建议    8
结论    10
参考文献:    11
致  谢    12
附  录:    13 [版权所有:http://think58.com]