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关键词:幼儿教育  想象力引导  美术活动

Guiding Strategy of Infant Imagination in Art Activities
Abstract: With the development of the times, early childhood education has gradually gained the public's attention. In 2012, the Ministry of Education promulgated the Guide for Learning and Development of Children 3-6 on the Development of Early Childhood Learning. The ordinance states that kindergartens should attach importance to young children's art education and provide excellent conditions and opportunities for children's art study. At the same time, kindergarten teachers in fine arts should adopt various teaching modes and teaching strategies to carry out fine arts activities and guide children's imagination in their activities. Due to the fact that there is no rich textual data in the field of early childhood art education in our country, based on this topic, this article proposes the guiding strategies for imagination of children in four art activities by observing the development of art education on weekdays and referring to the relevant materials. This topic hopes to explore the strategy of early childhood imagination in art activities to provide planners in charge of early childhood education with the possibility of learning from experience and providing more development for young children's art education.


Keywords: preschool education  imagination guide   art activities

目  录
一、 引言    1
(一)研究目的    1
(二)研究意义    1
二、美术活动中想象引导策略    1
(一)延续的想象    1
(二)添加的想象    2
(三)改变的想象    3
(四)逆向的想象    4
三、幼儿园实际应用影响因素    5
(一)教师的教学    5
(二)教学条件    5
(三)家长态度    5
四、结语    6 [来源:http://www.think58.com]