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Research on the compensation for the wrong birth
摘   要
本文从“错误出生”的定义出发比较研究各国和地区关于“错误出生”的法律规定和司法实践,主张我国侵权法应当引入“错误出生”的概念,确认“错误出生”的损害赔偿责任。从侵权法的角度来研究“错误出生”侵权损害赔偿的合理性。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

关键词: “错误出生”  损害赔偿责任  过失  

Research on the compensation for the wrong birth
With the progress and development of modern science and technology, people have further promotion in ideology. In order to cultivate benign offspring, the concept of eugenics has been deeply rooted. Accordingly, the fault of the medical personnel causes the problem of "wrong birth" to be paid attention to. Most fetal parents will choose to go to the hospital during pregnancy to do repeated tests, but also choose several hospitals to check, by relying on the hospital side of the continuous inspection to avoid birth defects, the purpose is to ensure fetal normal development and healthy birth. In recent years, however, the number of disputes and lawsuits involving malformed infants has increased markedly because the hospital has failed to inform fetal parents of fetal abnormalities in time. Because the negligence of the hospital side fails to discover or do not fulfil the obligation of timely and reasonable informing the pregnant woman to produce the defective baby, causes great mental anguish and huge medical expenses to the infant parents and even the whole family, so the case that the class damages is sued by the infant parents to the court is the "wrong birth" case of damages. There are no clear legal provisions for such cases in our country, and the judgments against such cases are different throughout the country. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Based on the definition of "false birth", this paper studies the legal provisions and judicial practice of "false birth" in various countries and regions, and advocates that the concept of "false birth" should be introduced into the tort law of China, and the liability of "wrongful birth" should be confirmed.From the angle of tort law, this paper studies the rationality of "false birth" tort damages.
Key Words:     Wrong birth  Damages liability  fault

目    录
绪论    2
1“错误出生””的概述    3
1.1 “错误出生”的定义    3
1.2“错误出生”、“错误怀孕”、“错误生命”的区别    3
1.2.1 “错误出生”与“错误怀孕”的辨析    3
1.2.2 “错误出生”与“错误生命”的辨析    4


2 各国和地区关于“错误出生”的法律规定和司法实践    4
2.1 英美法系国家    4
2.1.1 美国    4
2.2 大陆法系国家    6
2.2.1 德国    6
2.2.2 我国台湾地区    6
2.3 中国    6
2.3.1 “错误出生”的赔偿诉讼案件    6
2.3.2 “血友病遗传基因诊断”纠纷案件    8
2.3.3 我国对”错误出生”的态度    9
3 “错误出生”损害赔偿的界定和范围    9
3.1 “错误出生”损害赔偿的界定    9
3.2 “错误出生”的损害赔偿范围    10
3.2.1 财产损害    10
3.2.2 精神损害    12
4 对我国完善相关法律、法规的建议    13
参考文献    16 [资料来源:http://think58.com]