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摘 要
基于上述研究背景,本文提出了一种基于Struts的新闻发布系统,本系统使用Struts框架结构。首先本文对JAVA技术进行深入研究,对Struts框架进行深入剖析,研究框架的内部结构、运作流程,以及对MVC设计模式进行了分析研究和对MySQL数据库进行深入了解;接着本文提出了本系统需求分析和功能描述,并给出了系统整体体系结构图和系统总体功能模块图;最后对本系统的数据库进行了详细分析设计,分析设计数据库E.R图,创建了数据库表,给出了数据库表关系图,同时重点针对本系统的两大功能模块——前台新闻浏览模块和后台新闻管理模块进行了分析设计,详细分析设计了各子功能模块,对各子功能模块的设计原理以及设计流程进行了详细说明,并对这些功能模块的实现着重进行了论述,同时给出了相关功能模块的实现界面及部分代码。 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗
In order to effectively solve a number of problems about the current system of news release system,such as news release system has a long development cycle;developping news release system needs large workload;news release system has a poor general;developping news release system is relatively high and wastes human resources;site management and maintenance of the system to upgrade the latter difficulties.It exactly needs to design a new release system of new framework and new platform.
Based on the above research background we advanced a news release system based on JAVA,this system uses a combination of Struts.Firstly,this article make a thorough research on J2EE technologies,and make a thorough research on Struts,make a research on the intema structure and the operational flow of the framework,as well as this article make a analysis approach of the MVC design pattem and make a deeply understanding of MySQL database;Then this article put forword the analysis and functional description of the news releases system based on JAVA and the whole system structure;Finally,the article carried out a detailed analysis and design of the database analyze and design the E-R diagram,and creats related database table,gives the relationship between database tables,at the same time analyze and design the two principal system function modules--foreground browse news module and background management module, detailed analysis and design of the sub-function modules for each sub-function modules,as well as described in detail about the design of the principle and process,and have been focused on the realization of these function modules,at the same time given the realization of functional modules related to the interface and some code. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗
News release system based on JAVA reduced the complexity of system development,short development cycle,impove system eompatiblity,and make system easy to maintain,the whole system become clear,reliable and robust.According to the results of the analysis and design about this article,the system is expected to achieve the function,Users Can quickly and easily browse the necessary news and information,news and information Call be more focused and effective management.At present,this system has been run through the test and application,with the gradual deepening of research and the application,some of the details wi11 further improve.
Keywords: News Releasing System , JSP , JAVA , Struts
其中的功能模块大致是浏览新闻、搜索新闻、登录发布评论、编辑新闻、修改新闻、删除新闻、审核新闻、推荐新闻、审核评论、设置编辑跟总编十个模块构成。 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
新闻发布模块: 新闻发布功能必需提供简易用的UI借口,可以方便的发布图文信息、格式化文章等。
新闻浏览模块: 用户通过新闻浏览功能可以方便地浏览到发布的新闻列表,以及新闻详细内容。
新闻检索模块: 用户可以通过某些关键字检索网站所有新闻中相符的内容。
新闻评论模块: 用户登录之后通过新闻评论功能可以对所阅读的新闻发表自己的见解;。
信息管理模块: 包括用户信息管理、编辑信息管理、总编信息管理、新闻管理和评论管理等。
〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.56DOC.COM〗 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.56DOC.COM〗
