
密 惠 保
关键词:旅馆预订;网络评论;情感分析;B/S;管理系统;Web ;JSP
Design and development of hotel reservation website based on network review emotion analysis system
Abstract:This paper develops an online hotel reservation software system based on the emotional analysis system of network comments. This design adopts the MySql database technology, based on B/S structure, using the current Java language to develop, and then through MyEclipse8.5 as a background development tool, combined with the web front-end style effect to design a beautiful, functional online reservation system for emotional analysis. The system has login registration function module, booking function module, consumer information management function module, hotel room management function module, hotel announcement management function module, emotion analysis function module. The characteristic of this system is to add network comment emotion analysis function specially on complaint suggestion management. This is also the most highlight of the design. Leave consumers' comments and Suggestions on the message board, and automatically analyze the positive and negative comments based on the sentiment dictionary, so as to help enterprises make improvements in time and avoid bad consumption experience for customers. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Key Words:Hotel reservation; Online comments; Emotional analysis; B/S; Management system; Web; JSP


目 录
1引言 1
1.1开发背景 1
1.2开发目的 1
1.3国内外研究现状 1
2网站设计相关介绍 2
2.1开发工具介绍 2
2.1.1 MYSQL 2
2.1.2 Tomcat 2
2.1.3 MyEclipse 2
2.2 系统的硬件平台 3
2.3应用技术介绍 3
2.3.1B/S模式 3
2.3.2 MVC框架模式 3 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3 系统设计分析 4
3.1设计可行性分析 4
3.1.1技术条件可行性分析 4
3.1.2 经济可行性分析 4
3.1.3社会因素方面的可行性分析 4
3.1.4法规和政策的可行性分析 5
3.1.5使用方面的可行性分析 5
3.1.6 可行性总结 5
3.2需求分析 5
3.2.1 功能需求 5
3.2.2管理员用例图 6
3.2.3 设计目的 6
3.2.4 数据流程图 6
3.2.5 数据字典 8
3.3业务流程分析 9
4系统设计 9
4.1系统总体设计 9
4.2系统详细设计 10
4.3数据库设计 11
4.3.1数据库概念结构设计 11
4.3.2数据库逻辑结构设计 13
5系统开发 14
5.1情感词典和情感分析设计 14
5.1.1情感词典介绍 14
5.1.2文本情感模型训练 14
5.1.3文本情感分类 14
5.2网络评论监控设计 16
5.2.1观点词汇和情感计算 16
5.2.2特征提取与选择 16
5.3系统主界面实现 19
5.4房间预订实现 20
5.5房间评论功能实现 24
5.6管理员登陆功能实现 27
5.7房型信息添加与删除 29
5.8旅馆预订查询功能实现 30
5.9发布公告功能实现 31
结 论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35