
密 惠 保
摘 要
在社会主义市场经济改革的进程中,体育消费业已成为一个日益重要的消费市场,体育产业伴随体育市场的形成与发展,将对扩大国内需求、推动经济增长产生日益重要的影响。随着信息化的推广,互联网的普及,电子商务的发展,网上交易成为一种潮流,企业发展有了新的方向,网上商城的建立应运而生。本设计就是针对这一现状,将运动企业产品推上网络,建立网上商店,运用JSP +JavaBeans + SQLServer2008三层模式开发实现了一个自行车销售网站。本系统由前台展示和后台管理组成。前台实现了主要商品展示、公司信息、用户登陆、购物车、联系我们等功能;后台实现了管理员功能,主要是商品更新、订单处理、与用户之间的交流等。
本文首先简单介绍了展示本网站设计目的以及开发意义。其次对系统开发工具和环境进行简单介绍,主要介绍本设计运用的相关技术。然后对系统进行了需求分析和可行性研究。接着对数据库的设计进行了详细的介绍,并绘制了实体关系图。最后对整个网站相应功能模块的进行了详细的阐述。此外,对设计开发过程中遇到的问题及解决办法给出了简要的说明。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
关键词:自行车销售网站 JSP SQL Server 2008
Design and implementation of bicycle sales website
In the process of reform of the socialist market economy, sports consumption has become an increasingly important consumer market, accompanied by the formation and development of sports industry sports market, we will expand domestic demand and promote economic growth in an increasingly important influence. With the promotion of information technology, the Internet's popularity, the development of e-commerce, online trading has become a trend, a new direction for enterprise development, build online store came into being. This design is a response to this situation, the sports enterprise product onto the network, the establishment of online stores, using JSP + JavaBeans + SQLServer2008 three-tier model programs achieve a bicycle sales site. The show from the front and back office management components. Reception realize the main commodity display, company information, user login, shopping cart, contact us and other functions; the background to achieve the administrator functions, mainly trade updates, order processing, communication between the user and the like.
This paper introduces the present website designed to showcase and develop meaning. Secondly, systems development tools and environments for a brief introduction, describes the design of the use of related technologies. Then the system needs analysis and feasibility study. Then design a database for a detailed description and drawing entity relationship diagram. Finally, the entire site of the corresponding module were elaborated. In addition, problems encountered in the design and development process and solutions gives a brief description.
Key word: bicycle sales website , JSP, SQL Server 2008
4.1 系统功能分析
4.1.1 从用户角度来看:
用户通过在线注册成为网站的用户,可以获得以下功能:商品浏览,购买商品,查看订单,修改订单,修改密码,修改个人信息,商品简介、购物车等。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4.1.2 从网站的角度看:

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 设计目的和意义 1
1.2 开发设计思想 1
1.3 开发目标 1
第二章 文献综述 2
2.1 选题依据与背景 2
2.2 国内外研究现状 2
第三章 开发工具和环境简介 4
3.1 Java Server Page 简介 4
3.3 JDBC 驱动程序简介 5
3.4 JavaBeans 简介 6
3.5 JAVA 简介 6
第四章 网站需求分析和可行性研究 8
4.1 系统功能分析 8
4.2 可行性研究 9
4.3 需求分析 10
4.4 系统总体结构图: 11
4.5 数据字典: 15
4.6 需求分析复审 15 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
4.7 总体E-R图 15
第五章 数据库设计 17
5.1 数据库系统概述: 17
5.2 数据库表设计: 17
第六章 网站具体设计 21
6.1 程序说明 21
6.2 具体模块划分 22
第七章 网站的评价和改进 26
7.1网站的评价 26
7.1.1 优点 26
7.1.2 缺点 27
7.2网站的改进措施 27
结束语 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31