
密 惠 保
摘 要
通过本次设计完成一个简单的邮件收发系统,实现邮件的接收与发送,并能完成附件的传输,同时能实现邮件用户登录管理及邮件删除等功能,开发这个各种功能相对简单实用的邮件客户端程序,简化了很多不必要的功能,解决了小型企业和集体不能在同一平台通信交流的问题。 电子邮件作为现在重要的通信手段,在各种网络服务中,电子邮件系统以其方便、快捷的特点成为人们进行信息交流的理想工具。通过电子邮件人们可以以十分低廉的代价,以非常快的速度同世界上其他互联网用户联络。电子邮件的使用者数量呈几何级数增长。
Mail system design and implementation
E-mail is among the entire network as well as all other networks for the exchange of information directly between people, systems, and its data sender and receiver are all
human, so great to meet a lot of people exists between communication needs. E-mail refers to letters, documents, data and other information communication method of transmission by electronic means. Email a combination of telephone communications and postal mail features, it sends the information as fast as the speed and the telephone, but also like to make the recipient received the letter as written records on the receiving end. E-mail system, also known as computer-based message systems. It is involved in the mail from the mail into the system to reach the destination of all the processes. E-mail can not use the telephone network, and may be transmitted using any other communications network. When using the telephone network may also transmit information on the non-peak periods, it has a special value to commercial messages. Electronic system for the user is limited by the central control computer and a small computer can be considered as a computer conferencing system. Email using storage - forwarding gradually pass information over the network, so unlike direct telephone, timely, but inexpensive. [资料来源]
The design is completed by a simple mail system, receiving and sending e-mail and attachments can complete the transfer, and to achieve the mail user login management, and e-mail and delete functions, the development of the various functions is relatively simple and practical mail client end of the program, simplifying a lot of unnecessary
features to solve the small business can not be on the same platform and collective communication problems.
Now e-mail as an important means of communication in a variety of network services, e-mail system with its convenient, fast and features an ideal tool for people to exchange of information. The cost can be very low to very fast contact with other Internet users via e-mail people in the world. The number of e-mail users is growing exponentially.
Key words: Email; Internet communications; Network Services
(1)系统具有简洁大方的页面,使用简便,友好的错误操作提示 [来源:]


目 录
摘 要 1
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 开发工具及技术 2
1.3.1 开发工具 2
1.4 软硬件需求 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1 需求调研 3
2.2 可行性分析 3
2.2.1 技术的可行性 3
2.2.2 经济的可行性 3
2.2.3 操作的可行性 4
2.2.4 法律的可行性 4
2.3 系统用例图分析 4
2.3.1 员工用例图 4
2.3.3 收件箱用例图 5
2.3.4 写信用例设计 7
2.4 功能模块需求分析 8
2.4.1 管理员功能模块图说明 8
2.4.2 用户功能模块图说明 9
用户功能模块图如图2.6所示。 9
2.5 设计的基本思想 10
2.6 性能需求 10
2.6.1 系统的安全性 10
2.6.2 数据的完整性 11
2.7 界面需求 11
3 系统分析与设计 11
3.1 数据库的分析与设计 11
3.1.1 数据库需求分析 12
3.1.2 数据库概念设计 12
3.1.3 逻辑结构设计 14
4 系统功能实现 19
4.1 系统登陆页面实现 19
4.2 用户功能模块 20
4.2.1 员工管理 21
4.2.2 邮件发送 22 [版权所有:]
4.2.3 修改密码 23
4.2.4 退出系统 23
4.3 员工功能模块 23
4.3.1 邮件发送 23
4.3.2 收件箱管理 23
4.3.3 发件箱管理 35
4.3.4 草稿箱管理 36
4.3.5 通讯录管理 36
5 系统的测试 38
5.1 系统的测试概述 38
5.1.1 系统的测试介绍 38
5.1.2 系统测试的分类 38
5.1.3 系统测试目的 39
5.1.4 系统测试的意义 39
5.2 测试过程 39
5.2.1 主页面的登录模块测试 39
5.2.2 管理员模块测试 40
5.2.3 员工模块测试 42
5.3 其他错误 42
参考文献 43
致 谢 44