
密 惠 保
摘 要
本文博士管理系统主要采用基于 B/S体系结构(即浏览器/服务器结构),结合JAVA技术来开发的数据库管理信息系统的开发计划,及对系统架构、操作流程、系统的功能、数据的结构等方面的整体设计。设计出的系统包括后端数据库模块、用户登录模块,信息管理模块,博士管理模块四部分组成,实现了不同权限用户可进行的不同操作。博士可以修改自己信息或查询自己成绩,导师可以对自己的信息进行实时更新并且录入或查询博士成绩,管理员可以进行对博士、导师、班级资料及全校博士成绩的管理。系统投入使用后,能有效的实现学院博士管理的信息化,解决了传统的博士管理中存在的问题,提高了学校博士管理的工作效率。
Doctoral student management system
In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the application of computer technology in the life and work of the field has been greatly improved, some manual work has been unable to meet the needs of work now. Doctor of management department in Colleges and universities as burden much heavier than in the past, only by artificial doctoral student achievement entry and query has been unable to meet the needs of modern teaching, the major colleges and universities students, information is an important information resource of University, the university management is a routine work in [1]. The doctor of traditional management, management is often very complex. The characteristics, management are a relatively large amount of information processing, management of various kinds, query and statistics in different ways. In the management process is often duplication of information transmission, error prone. So according to the actual situation of this we will develop a set of suitable for the doctor of management system, to improve the efficiency, convenient management, do a good job. To provide convenient conditions for PhD in information management.
The main function of this system is the management of dr.. Doctor of management is an important and complicated work of educational department, it is not only the data, large handling capacity, and tight time requirements, involves learning the basic situation, achievements, Dr. classroom instructors, professional courses, etc., therefore, the system can be computerized all existing manual operation, and can be applied to in the practical application. The overall system development task is to realize, the information system, standardization, automation, to achieve fast query.
In this paper, the management system is mainly used Browse / Server architecture based on (IE browser / server structure), database management information system is developed with JAVA technology development plan, the overall design and system architecture, operation flow, system functions, data structure. The syst. The system design includes the backend database module, the user login module, information management module, management module, composed of four parts, different operation to achieve different users can be. The doctor can modify their own information or query results, teachers in their own information in real-time updates and input or query, result, the administrator can to mentor, Dr., Dr. Classes and school performance management. After the system is put into use, can realize the information management of the school, effective, solve the existing problem in the traditional doctor of management, improve the efficiency of the management of the school, dr. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: Doctor of management, Web, JSP
该模块主要负责管理导师的个人信息,如用户名、密码、姓名、性别、身份证号、执教日期、工龄,即可完成对导师的添加。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

目 录
1、引言 1
1.1 研究现状 1
1.2 主要研究的目的及内容 1
1.3 研究方法及设计思路 3
1.4 研究的意义 3
2、需求分析与可行性分析 4
2.1 应用需求分析 4
2.2 运行环境 4
2.3 可行性分析 4
2.3.1经济可行性 5
2.3.2技术可行性 5
2.3.3 运行可行性 5
2.3.4 时间可行性 5
2.3.5 法律可行性: 5
2.4 系统开发步骤 6
3、相关技术简介 7
3.1 JSP技术简介 7
3.2 Mysql数据库 7
3.3 JDBC 8
3.4 B/S模式分析 9
4、系统分析 11
4.1 系统实现目标 11
4.2 系统体系结构 12
4.3 主控流程图 12
4.4 系统ER图 13
5、系统设计 15
5.1 数据库设计 15
5.2 系统结构设计 16
5.3 详细设计 16
5.3.1 系统首页设计 16
5.3.2 管理员登录界面 17
5.3.3 用户管理 19
5.3.4 博士管理模块 22
5.3.5 成绩管理模块 24
5.3.6导师管理模块 26
5.3.7导师功能模块 27
5.3.8博士功能模块 28
6、系统调试与测试 30
6.1 程序调试 30
6.2 程序的测试 30
6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 30
6.2.2 测试的步骤 30 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
6.2.3 测试的主要内容 31
总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36 [版权所有:http://think58.com]