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摘 要
本文介绍了使用CSP技术开发基于后关系型数据库Caché的实验室资源管理系统的方法。分析了实验室资源管理系统的目的、系统的组成原理和模块。其主要模块包括人员管理模块、器材管理模块、实验室管理模块和实验项目管理模块。它利用管理对象之间定义的关系将对象联系起来以便于管理。利用文中介绍的方法来构建管理系统,能够起到一定的简单管理作用。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
The Design of Lab resources management system based on DB Caché
As the computer technology has been developing rapidly, using computer techniques to manage all kinds of resources is growing up.
Comparing to the traditional record management by hand, it is convenient for people to use a proper management system that can lighten the manager's working burden and raise the utility of the resources, as well as reduce the errors. Thus, the resources management is needed.
This paper introduces Lab resources management system using the CSP technology that is based on relationship database Caché. Then, this paper gives the analysis of the usage, composing and module. The major function modules include personnel management, equipment management, lab management and lab object management. It is the use of the relationship among the managed items to manage the related items. Building up a management system in the way which is introduced in this paper, can simplify the process of management. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Key words: Caché; Resources management; CSP; Object
目 录
1 引 言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 本课题研究的意义 2
1.4 本课题的研究方向 2
2 后关系型数据库CACHé和CSP技术 2
2.1 后关系型数据库CACHé简介 3
2.2 CSP技术简介 4
3 系统需求分析 4
3.1 实验室资源管理系统的产生 4
3.2 实验室资源管理系统的总体目标 5
3.3 运行环境和操作系统 5
3.4 系统的数据流程 6
3.5 系统功能分析 8
3.6 预期成果 9
4 实验室资源管理系统的实现 9
4.1 数据库类的关系 10
4.2 数据库定义 11
4.3 页面实现 15
5 系统测试及维护 18
5.1 测试指标 18
5.2 系统测试 18
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22
声 明 23 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]