密 惠 保
关键词: 高层建筑 给排水 供水方式
D3-type highrise building in a university drainage engineering design
This design is a 11-storey residential college , including water supply, drainage , fire protection, from the spray four systems.Water supply system to take water partition.1-5 layers from the municipal water supply pipe network.7-11 layers using water pumps and tanks.Pump thedan water into the roof tank then down water supply.In drainage system,The first layer is a separate drainage,the remaining layer using the same layer drainage, [资料来源:http://think58.com]
In fire system ,the indoor fire hydrant system is mainly used.Fire water tank taken from the life pool.Fire pump starts after the fire broke out 10 minutes.Pumping water from the life pool and supply hydrant.Setting the spray nozzle in the basement and the elevator corridor.
Key words: high-rise building Water Supply and Drainage the way of water supply
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 设计说明书 1
1.1 给水系统 1
1.1.1方案比选 1
1.1.2室内给水系统的组成 1
1.1.3给水管道的布置与敷设 3
1.2 消防系统 4
1.2.1消火栓系统 4
1.2.2自动喷水灭火系统 5
1.3 排水系统 6
1.3.1排水方案的选择 6 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
1.3.2排水管道的安装 7
第二章 设计计算书 9
2.1 给水系统计算 9
2.1.1用水量计算 9
2.1.2给水管网水力计算 8
2.2 消防系统计算 12
2.2.1消火栓系统计算 14
2.2.3消防管网水力计算 15
2.2.4自喷系统计算 20
2.3 排水系统计算 28
2.3.1确定排水体制 28
2.3.2排水水力计算 28
2.4自喷系统计算 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]