
密 惠 保
Design of purification air conditioning system in the first affiliated hospital of Nanjing TechUniversity
This project is designed for the purification air conditioning system of the first affiliated hospital of Nanjing TechUniversity, and the clean bag is designed for the building area of 5740m2, among which the sterile area in charge of this project is 120m2. The first floor is for the cool and heat sources equipment room. On the third floor, there are pathology department and dialysis center, on the fourth floor, there are wards and medical staff offices, and on the fifth floor, there are delivery rooms. Combined with the climate characteristics of Nanjing, this design carried out heat and humidity load calculation in winter and summer, annual load analysis, cool and heat source scheme comparison and selection, and ventilation and air conditioning design in different zones.
After manual calculation and DeST, the energy consumption calculation software, the hourly dynamic simulation of cooling and heat load of the whole building is carried out throughout the year, which provides a basis for the selection of cooling and heat source schemes and system design. In the end, the design chooses the form of the soil source heat pump to provide heat and cold + cooling tower to assist heat dissipation, and chooses the single U vertical buried pipe modefor the buried pipe. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Most of the air conditioning systems in this design adopt the form of fan coil and independent fresh air. The top floor have two delivery rooms, the level Ⅲ all air of operating rooms and auxiliary system design.
Key words: annual dynamic load; Ground source heat pump; Cooling tower auxiliary heat dissipation; Ⅲ level in the operating room

第一章. 项目概况 2
1.1 建筑概况 2
1.2 建筑周边资源条件 2
1.3 围护结构热工参数 2
1.4 设计依据 2
1.5 设计参数 2
1.5.1 室外设计参数 2
1.5.2 室内设计参数 2
1.6 全年动态气象参数 2
1.7 本章小结 2
第二章. 负荷计算 2
2.1 手算负荷——以三层病房为例 2
2.1.1 冷负荷手算 2
2.1.2 热负荷手算 2
2.2 DeST全年负荷模拟计算与分析 2
2.3 本章小结 2
第三章. 冷热源方案设计 2
3.1 方案一:蒸汽压缩式冷水机组供冷+燃气锅炉供热 2
3.2 方案二:土壤源热泵供冷热+冷却塔辅助散热 2
3.3 方案三:直燃型吸收式机组供冷热 2
3.4 方案四:冰蓄冷供冷+燃气锅炉供热 2
3.5 方案经济性比较 2
3.6 本章小结 2
第四章. 空调末端形式及空气处理方案 2
4.1 系统分区 2
4.2 空气处理方案 2
4.3 空气处理设备选型 2
4.3.1 新风机组选型 2
4.3.2 风机盘管选型 2
第五章. 空调风系统设计 2
5.1 风管水力计算 2
5.1.1 风管水力计算方法 2
5.1.2 风管水力计算示例 2
第六章. 空调水系统设计 2
6.1 地埋管系统 2
6.1.1 土壤源侧循环泵选型计算 2
6.1.1 补水装置选型计算 2
6.2 冷冻水系统 2
6.2.1 系统形式选择 2
6.2.2 系统划分 2
6.2.3 选型计算 2
6.2.4 空调水管路 2
6.2.5 水力计算 2
6.3 冷却水系统 2
6.4 冷凝水系统 2
6.4.1 布置原则 2
6.4.2 管路计算 2
第七章. 无菌区系统设计 2
7.1 净化空调系统一般规定 2
7.2 气流组织 2
7.3 空气处理过程 2
7.3.1 夏季空气处理过程 2
7.3.2 冬季空气处理过程 2
7.3.3 空气机组的选型 2
第八章. 通风系统设计 2
8.1 风量的确定 2
8.2 通风机选型 2
第九章. 消声隔振与保温防腐 2
10.1 消声隔振设计 2
10.2 保温设计 2
10.3 防腐设计 2 [来源:http://think58.com]
参考文献 2 [来源:http://www.think58.com]