计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
关键词:  异步电机, 软起动, Matlab,仿真 

Study on Soft starting control and simulation of asynchronous motor
The three-phase asynchronous motor is widely used nowadays,this paper mainly analyzes several ways of starting of the asynchronous motor, and with the help of Matlab/Simulink building simulation system, compared with methods of starting.


Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the basic principle of asynchronous motor starting and soft starting research situation at home and abroad as well as technology development; analysis of the steady state model of asynchronous motor deduced in detail, asynchronous motor’s starting current and torque formula, and provides a theoretical basis for the following soft start strategy. Secondly, the voltage regulating circuit of thyristor, a detailed analysis of the working principle of three-phase AC adjustable voltage circuit, and select the section of the circuit for the soft starting main circuit structure; at last, the main circuit structure based on previous selection, with the help of Matlab/Simulink build asynchronous motor different starting model, realize the direct starting, buck asynchronous motor soft starting and constant current soft start and compare the starting characteristics of the three model.
Key Words: Asynchronous motor; Soft starting; Matlab; Simulation


目   录
摘  要    Ⅰ
Abstract    Ⅱ
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 引言    1
1.1.1直接起动的危害    1
1.1.2异步电机起动条件    1
1.2 软起动方法    2
1.2.1软起动原理    2
1.2.2传统降压软起动方法    3
1.2.3新型软起动方法    4
1.3 软起动装置发展    4
1.3.1软起动发展趋势    4 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
1.3.2国内外研究发展    5
1.4 本课题的研究主要内容及软件介绍    6
1.4.1本课题的主要内容    6
1.4.2 Matlab软件简要介绍    6
第二章 异步电机基本原理分析    7
2.1异步电机稳态数学模型    7
2.1.1异步电机的参数计算    7
2.1.2电机调速方法    8
2.2降低电压对异步电机的影响    9
2.2.1降压对起动电流的影响    9
2.2.2降压对起动转矩的影响    9
2.3本章小结    10
第三章 三相交流调压电路    11
3.1晶闸管工作原理    11
3.2三相交流调压原理    11
3.3三相交流调压电路仿真    12
3.3.1电路参数设置    13
3.3.2仿真结果    14
3.4三相交流调压电路下的异步电机起动    17
3.4.1三相交流调压电路起动仿真    17
3.4.2仿真结果分析    19


3.5本章小结    19
第四章 异步电机起动控制研究    21
4.1全压直接起动    21
4.1.1仿真电路图及参数设置    21
4.1.2仿真结果及分析    22
4.2异步电机传统降压起动    23
4.2.1仿真电路图及参数设置    23
4.2.2仿真结果及分析    24
4.3 异步电机软起动    25
4.3.1斜坡电压软起动控制策略及仿真    25
4.3.2恒流软起动控制策略及仿真    31
4.4本章小结    35
结语    37
参考文献    38
致谢    39
附录:仿真电机参数    40