计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



关键词:电阻测量 A/D转换器单片机 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

Resistance is a large proportion of our daily lives and it is closely related to our lives. It can even be said that without resistance, there is no convenient life for us today. However, as the industry progresses and develops, and in order to replace old resistors with new resistors, various old resistors and unusable resistors are eliminated every day. How to correctly measure the resistance of these resistors to more easily classify these old, discarded resistors has become a problem in today's industrial research. So I designed the following automatic resistance meter to rapidly measure the waste resistance. It can measure the resistance of the fourth gear of 100Ω, 1KΩ, 10KΩ, 10MΩ and control the error within ±1%, and adopts A/D conversion. External LCD display output value, and the microcontroller as the main processing core. After the resistance meter is used, resistance resistance can be quickly measured and quickly classified, which greatly improves work efficiency and reduces workload. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
This article mainly introduces the design of automatic resistance meter, including the following parts:
Discuss and research the research background and development prospects and why it is necessary to do this equipment;
For the selection of materials, the specific types of instruments used and the measurement methods used are compared and discussed;
Perform simulation and programming, run the program and get the experimental results, and analyze the results.
Keywords: resistance measurement A/D converter MCU
摘要    3
Abstract    4
一.绪论    5
1.课题背景及意义    5
2.国内外现状分析    5
3. 系统实现的主要内容    6
4. 论文结构概览    6
5.本章小结    6
二.所需器材及其介绍    7
1.单片机    7
2.A/D转换器    8
3.LCD显示屏    9


4.本章小结    10
三.仿真环境    11
1.仿真软件的选择    11
2.仿真软件的测试    14
3.本章小结    17
四.测量方案的设计    18
1.系统总体设计    18
2.电阻测量模块的设计    18
3.主要控制模块    23
4.A/D转换模块    24
5.液晶显示模块    25
6.电源电路    26
7.晶振电路的设计    27
8.复位电路的设计    28
9.各模块方案确认    29
10.本章小结    29
五、软件实现    30
1.控制测量程序    30
2.数据处理程序    30
3.软件操作流程图    30
图17 软件操作流程图    31
六、仿真测试方案与测试结果分析    32
1.测试方案    32
2.测试结果    32


3.结果分析    33
七、总结与展望    34
1.设计总结    34
2.展望    35
参考文献    36
致谢    37
