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Image Processing Based on MATLAB
Abstract: MATLAB is mainly used in scientific computing, interactive programming and other high-tech computing environment. It has the functions of data analysis, data modeling and simulation, data calculation and so on. It is one of the more advanced software in today's computing software. MATLAB has powerful image processing ability and perfect rich toolbox, which can realize the editing and processing of digital images.  In this paper, it makes the image more pleasant to eyes and identify the number of particles and so on based on image segmentation, corrosion operations by use of MATLAB image gray processing, rotation, zooming, superposition, denoising, filtering processing. Moreover, comparative analyses of a variety of functions and a variety of proportions are carried on the different impact of the image.Various functions are synthetically applied to face recognition and face edge recognition.Recognition of corresponding faces in image database using PCA algorithm.


Key words: MATLAB;Image processing;Image segmentation;Face recognition

目 录
1绪论    1
1.1数字图像简介    1
1.2 MATLAB简介    1
1.3国内外研究现状    1
1.4发展趋势    2
2图像处理基础    2
2.1图像处理的基本操作    2
2.1.1 imread函数    2
2.1.2 imshow函数    2
2.1.3读入一个图像并显示出来设计    3
2.2图像的类型及转换    3
2.2.1 RGB图像    3
2.2.2灰度图像    3
2.2.3索引图像    3
2.2.4二值图像    4
2.2.5图像类型转换    4
2.2.6对图像的类型进行转换设计    4
2.3图像色彩    5
2.3.1颜色模型    5
2.3.2颜色模型转换    6
2.3.3 RGB模型转换为HSV、NTSC、YCbCr三种模型设计    6 [来源:http://think58.com]
3图像运算    7
3.1图像代数运算    7
3.1.1图像加法运算    7
3.1.2图像减法运算    7
3.1.3图像乘法运算    7
3.1.4图像除法运算    7
3.1.5图像代数运算设计    7
3.1.6小结    11
3.2图像几何运算    11
3.2.1调整图像的大小    11
3.2.2图像的旋转设置    11
3.2.3图像翻转与反转    12
3.2.4图像几何运算设计    12
4图像的增强    14
4.1空域内的图像增强    14
4.1.1直方图    14
4.1.2灰度调整函数    14
4.2空域滤波增强    15
4.2.1添加图像噪声    15
4.2.2平滑滤波    15
4.2.3中值滤波    16
4.2.4自适应滤波器    16
4.2.5图像增强设计    16

4.2.6小结    20
5图像的分割    20
5.1边缘检测    20
5.1.1梯度算子    20
5.1.2拉普拉斯算子    21
5.1.3 Canny边缘算子    21
5.1.4边缘检测设计    21
5.2阈值分割方法    22
5.2.1直方图双峰法    22
5.2.2最大类间方差法    23
5.2.3迭代法    23
5.2.4阈值分割设计    23
6图像的形态学处理    24
6.1数学形态学的基本运算    24
6.1.1结构元素    24
6.1.2膨胀与腐蚀运算    24
6.1.3开运算与闭运算    25
6.1.4 bwmorph函数    25
6.2形态学的重建操作    25
6.2.1图像区域填充    25
6.2.2连通区域的标识    25
6.3图像形态学处理设计    26
7基于MATLAB的人脸识别    30


7.1识别出人脸区域    30
7.2边缘检测出人脸范围    34
7.3基于PCA算法的人脸识别    38
8总结    41
参考文献    42
致谢    43