
密 惠 保
Design and Realization of Multi-Node Temperature Acquisition System Based on ZigBee
Abstract:Wireless sensor network is between each sensor node using wireless communication network and data transmission, because the distribution of free, convenient communication and other characteristics, has increasingly replaced the traditional wired network. ZigBee technology is a new wireless sensor network technology.
In this paper, based on the analysis of ZigBee network architecture and its protocol stack function, a multi-point temperature and humidity acquisition system is designed. First based on ZigBee protocol wireless network consisting of, the network has a, B two terminal nodes and a coordinator node and terminal node to join the network after, through the sensor collected data of temperature and humidity, a certain degree of integration and sent to the coordinator, the coordinator is responsible for the upload data to the microcontroller, microcontroller receives the data drive the display displays the data measured by the two terminal nodes. Then it introduces the general design scheme of the system, first introduced the system hardware design, mainly on temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, chip CC2530, STC89C52 single chip, the LCD1602 display function of the hardware and circuit connection is described; then, based on the Z-stack protocol stack and analyzes the design of system software. At last, the overall design is summarized and prospected.
Key words: Wireless sensor networks, ZigBee technology, multi-point temperature and humidity acquisition, Z-Stack protocol stack

1. 引言 1
1.1国内外现状 1
1.2无线传感器网络特点 1
1.3无线传感器网络应用领域 2
1.4 ZigBee技术与无线传感器网络的优缺点 2
2.系统设计方案 3
2.1模块构成 3
2.1.1 ZigBee核心板 3
2.1.2 温湿度传感器 5
2.1.3 显示模块 9
3.软件设计方案 11
3.1 ZigBee网络结构 11
3.1.1 ZigBee网络拓扑结构 12
3.1.2 ZigBee协议栈 13
3.2系统开发环境 17
3.3 主程序段 19
3.3.1 DHT11驱动程序 20 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
3.3.2 LCD驱动程序 22
4.实物及调试结果 23
5. 总结与展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 26