计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




Non-contact current detecting device based on FPGA and program-controlled filters [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of high cost and large sampling noise of existing harmonic current detecting devices, a non-contact current detecting device based on FPGA and programmable filter is proposed. The device is composed of harmonic current signal generator, current mutual inductance coil, current-voltage conversion, programmable filters, RMS conversion, precision and high speed ADC, Voltage comparator, main controller and other circuit modules. The arbitrary wave generator is used to generate a voltage signal containing multiple harmonics, and after passing through the power amplifier and the load resistor, the measured harmonic current is obtained. The current transformer is designed to realize the non-contact transmission of the harmonic current loop and the measurement circuit. Two methods are used to measure the harmonic components. The first is to separate the harmonics by using the programmable filter, and combine it with the precision ADC and the equal precision measurement technology. The second is realized by using FPGA platform combined with high speed ADC and FFT technology. The circuit was designed and debugged. The experimental results show that the fundamental frequency range of the device can be measured from 50Hz to 200Hz, the device can measure seventh harmonic current, and the peak and peak currents of the fundamental wave and harmonics range from 10mA to 1A. The measured values are compared with the set values of the arbitrary wave generators, and the sources of error of the two measurement modes are analyzed. The method and device proposed in the paper can be applied to power analysis, leakage current detection or other instrumentation circuits of power systems.


Key words: Harmonic current; non-contact measurement; program-controlled filters; FPGA; FFT;



目 录
1    绪论    1
1.1    研究的目的和意义    1
1.2    课题的研究背景及进展    1
1.2.1    非接触式电流传感器-电流互感器    1
1.2.2    谐波电流的测量方法    2
1.3    问题的提出和设计目标    3
2    总体方案及测量方法论证    4
2.1    系统总体方案    4 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
2.2    谐波电流产生及电流互感    4
2.3    基于程控滤波的谐波电流测量    6
2.4    基于FFT分析的谐波电流测量    6
3    系统硬件电路设计    7
3.1    主控制器电路    7
3.2    谐波电流产生电路    8
3.3    无接触式电流传感电路    9
3.4    程控滤波电路    10
3.5    谐波电流的有效值转换电路    10
3.6    谐波电流的峰值测量电路    11
3.7    电压比较电路    12
3.8    高速采样电路    12
4    系统程序设计    14
4.1    基于程控滤波的程序设计    14
4.1.1    FPGA等精度测频    14
4.1.2    STM32主控设计    15 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
4.2    基于FFT分析的谐波测量程序设计    16
4.2.1    FPGA方案程序总体框架    16
4.2.2    PLL时钟模块    16
4.2.3    AD9226模块    16
4.2.4    FPGA FFT IP核介绍    17
4.2.5    FFT模块    18
4.2.6    RGB显示模块    18
5    实物调试和数据分析    20
5.1    整体系统硬件调试    20
5.2    功率放大电路测试    20
5.3    非接触式电流传感电路测试    21
5.4    基于程控滤波的测量单元测试    22
5.5    基于FFT分析的测量单元测试    24
5.6    分析与结论    25
6    结语    25
参考文献:    26


致谢    28