
密 惠 保
摘 要:本文设计了一种用于人体通信的方向图可重构穿戴天线。它是由一个同心圆环天线和一个圆形贴片以及微带线组成的三层板天线,其馈电方式采用的是微带线馈电,端口激励方式为集总端口激励,归一化阻抗设置为50Ω,这里选择天线的中心频率均为2.45GHZ,扫频范围为1.5GHZ到3.5GHZ,使用快速扫频方式,使天线能够获得在平面的辐射方向图和垂直方向的辐射方向图,一种是用于体表通信的全向辐射,而另一个是用于体外通信的单向辐射。此外,在实现人体通信时还要考虑人体对该天线的影响,最后通过二极管的导通断开模拟可控开关,实现全向和定向两个辐射方向的切换。
关键词:同轴馈电 方向图 可重构天线 人体通信
For the design and research of human communication pattern reconfigurable wearable antenna
Abstract:In this paper, a pattern reconfigurable wearable antenna for human communication is designed. It consists of a concentric circular loop antenna, a circular patch and a microstrip wire. The feeding mode of the antenna is microstrip line feed, and the port excitation mode is lumped port excitation. The normalized impedance is set to 50 Ω, the center frequency of the selected antenna is 2.45 GHz, and the sweep frequency range is from 1.5GHZ to 3.5 GHz. By using the fast sweep mode, the antenna can obtain the radiation pattern in the plane and the radiation pattern in the vertical direction. One is omnidirectional radiation for body surface communication, and the other is for external communication. A letter of one-way radiation. In addition, the effect of human body on the antenna should be taken into account in the realization of human communication. Finally, the switch of omnidirectional and directional radiation direction is realized by switching off the analog controllable switch through the conduction of the diode.
Keywords: coaxial feed directional diagram reconfigurable antenna the human communication
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1天线的研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外发展现状及趋势 2
1.2.1可穿戴天线 2
1.2.2方向图可重构天线 2
1.3论文的主要内容 4
1.4本章小结 4
2理论基础 4
2.1微带天线的概述 4
2.2微带天线的设计 5
2.3微带天线的特性参数 6
2.3.1方向图 6
2.3.2微带线有效介电常数、特征阻抗 6
2.3.3辐射贴片尺寸 7
2.3.4辐射场 7
2.3.5输入导纳 8
2.4本章小结 9
3总体设计 10
3.1总体方案 10
3.2设计考虑 11
3.3本章小结 12
4仿真设计与实物加工 12
4.1 HFSS介绍 12
4.2 天线仿真设计及分析 13
4.2.1实现定向辐射 13
4.2.2实现全向辐射 15
4.2.3人体通信 17
4.2.4实现全向和定向辐射的相互转换 18
4.3 实物加工与测试 20
4.4 本章小结 21
5总结与展望 21
5.1总结 21
5.2不足与展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24