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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
在当今这个信息高度丰富的互联网时代,数学学科的知识已经渗透到各行各业,并且发挥着不可替代的重要作用 [1]。在全球范围内,越来越多的公司都开始使用数学的方法来分析、并且解决各个领域遇到的各式问题,这不仅仅是现代数学的潮流,也是当代经济学的大势所趋。人们开始从导数的观点出发,逐渐采用数学的眼光,去看待和阐述经济学中边际和弹性的概念。“弹性分析”这一方法,如今在商品经济中就有着广泛的应用,因为它在企业活动,营销策略,市场对象确定等决策方面都有着重要的影响。
本文首先追溯了数学和经济学日趋紧密关系的发展原由,接着研究了市场与市场销售的一些基本理论与概念,重点阐述了弹性的理论,借助各种弹性的经济学定义,将理论与实践结合后,做了一些弹性在市场预测中应用的实例分析。并且通过这些实例的分析,让我们看到了弹性理论在市场预测的重要性,了解到了数学在市场经济中的应用方法。 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
In today's highly enriched information era, mathematics has penetrated into all walks of life. Using quantitative analysis to solve the problem in the field of economy and management has become a part of the whole theoretical system of economics. The two concepts of "margin" and "elasticity" can be explained by the meaning of the derivative, and the concept of modern economics also can be explained with the knowledge of modern mathematics. "Elastic analysis" now has a wide range of applications in commodity economy, it has important influence on business activities, marketing strategy, market object determination and so on.
Market sales is an important factor in social development, and also important to controlling the market sales or the market strategy, in this way you need to do a good market forecast. Using data on the relationship by the known commodity price changes and the quantity demanded changes.There is no doubt that elastic can do prediction, and the market forecast is a good way to control and find a clear direction to obtain valuable information. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
After studying some basic theories and concepts of marketing and sales, this paper studied the elasticity and elasticity, also made some examples of the application of elasticity in market forecasting. Through the analysis of these examples, we can see the importance of flexibility in the market forecast, understanding the application methods of mathematics.
Keywords:market;market sales;martet forecast;elastic;elastic forecast

目  录
Abstract.................................................................... Ⅱ
1    绪论.....................................................................1
1.1    研究背景............................................................1
1.2    研究现状............................................................1
1.3    选题意义............................................................2


1.4    研究内容与目标......................................................2
2    市场销售问题.............................................................3
2.1    市场................................................................3
2.2    销售................................................................3
3    弹性.....................................................................5
3.1    弹性的定义..........................................................5
3.2    经济学中常见的弹性..................................................6
3.3    弹性的重要性........................................................6
3.4    需求价格弹性在市场的应用............................................7
4    弹性分析与市场预测.......................................................9
4.1    弹性预测法的定义..9

4.2    价格弹性预测法的运用..9
4.3    多种弹性系数综合预测法...11
5    总结与展望...13