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Abstract: from the beginning of the seventy or eighty's of the twentieth Century, western commercial banks have formed a new business development tide, as an important part of financial innovation of OBSA unprecedented active. Off balance sheet business has the advantages of low cost,higyield, few requirements for capital, and can avoid the risk characteristics in a certain extent, not only inject great vitality into modern commercial banks, but also to customer service, customer, and promote the stable development of traditional assets and liabilities business role. At present, our country commercial bank OBSA in small scale, single variety, is still in the initial stage, has great development potential space. In this paper, the Agricultural Bank of China Liuzhou branch bank's off balance sheet business as the research object, analyses its off balance sheet business situation and the existing problems; then from the practical point of view, put forward the influencing factors of the Agricultural Bank of China Liuzhou branch of the Agricultural Bank of China Bank of Liuzhou, combined with the actual situation of the table business development, put forward relevant comments and suggestions. [来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: Commercial Bank; off balance sheet business risk supervision; inquiry

一、引言    1
(一)选题背景    1
(二)研究目的及意义    1
二、表外业务的基本概念    1
(一)表外业务定义    1
(二)表外业务分类    2
(三)表外业务特点    3
(四)表外业务的作用    4
三、中国农业银行柳州分行表外业务的发展现状及存在的问题    5
(一)中国农业银行柳州分行表外业务现状    5
(二)中国农业银行柳州分行表外业务存在的问题    6
四、制约中国农业银行柳州分行表外业务发展的因素分析    7
(一)发展表外业务的内在外在动力不足    7
(二)宏观调控和产业发展对表外业务有着显著影响    8
(三)金融体制和金融市场发展滞后限制了表外业务的拓展    8
(四)业务风险使农行柳州分行对表外业务心存谨慎    9 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
(五)技术力量和专业人才储备不足    9
五、优化中国农业银行柳州分行表外业务的策略    10
(一)提高创新能力    10
(二)加大人才培养和技术力度    10
(三)加强风险防范和金融监管    11
参考文献    12
