密 惠 保
密 惠 保
题 目 浅析金融O2O模式及其对地方银行的影响(开题报告,论文9600字)
英文题目 Analysis of the financial O2O model and its influence on local banks
摘 要
O2O(Online To offline)是近些年来逐渐兴起的商业模式。李开复说过:“你如果不知道O2O,至少知道团购,但团购只是冰山一角,只是第一步。”现在O2O的巨幅画卷正逐渐展开,来自餐饮、家居定制、旅行预订等领域的多元化模式正在出现。从银行的视角来看,不管是试水互联网提供网上银行服务,还是谈业务创新,或是涉足电子商务,在同业竞争日趋激烈、第三方企业不断侵蚀传统银行业务领地的情况下,O2O的确是银行已经在尝试、并且还有很大深耕空间的领域。当前,随着互联网金融的崛起,从微信银行、银行APP的火热,再到今年各家银行竞相推直销银行,互联网金融的崛起,商业银行的运营方式也在随着互联网新思维的突破而发生改变。“O2O模式”正在成为银行探索互联网金融的一个热点领域,也是银行极力推进的一次渠道革命。本文主要分析O2O模式的现状,并通过对有关概念的理解,分析金融业O2O模式对地方银行业发展的影响,并为完善O2O模式提出建议。
【关键词】金融O2O 互联网新思维 热点 突破
O2O is a business model that is gradually rising in recent years. Li Kaifu said: "if you don't know O2O, at least know to buy, but buy only the tip of the iceberg, just the first step." Now o2o huge picture is unfolding, from catering, custom home, travel reservations and other areas of diversification patterns are emerging. From the bank's point of view, no matter is to test the waters of the Internet to provide online banking services, or talk about business innovation, or is involved in electronic commerce, in the increasingly fierce competition, third-party companies continue to erode the territory of the traditional banking business, o2o is indeed banks have to try, and there is still a lot of deep space field. At present, with the rise of the Internet banking, from the micro channel bank, bank APP's fiery, and then to the banks competing to push direct bank, the rise of Internet banking, commercial banks operating mode is also changing with the new thinking of the internet. [来源:http://think58.com]
"O2O model" is becoming a hot spot for banks to explore the Internet banking, but also a channel revolution of the banks. This paper mainly analyzes the current situation of O2O mode, and analyzes the influence of the financial industry O2O model on the development of local banking industry through the understanding of the relevant concepts, and puts forward suggestions for improving the O2O model.
【Key words】Finance O2O; Internet new thinking;Hotspot, Breach
目 录
1. 引 言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 1
2 O2O模式的现状及其特点 2
2.1o2o模式现状 2
2.2.1金融o2o现阶段运行方式 3
2.2.2金融o2o运行特点 4
1.地域行业属性明显 4
2.基于社区服务的金融模式明显 4
3.越来越多元化 5
3.对地方银行的影响 6
3.1地方银行的发展现状 6
3.2金融O2O对地方银行的冲击 6
3.2.1影响地方银行盈利模式 7
3.2.2对地方银行已有融资格局的冲击 7
3.2.3对传统金融中介工具的挑战 7
3.4互联网时代地方银行的需要做出的改进 8
3.3 地方银行的发展战略 9
4.地方银行发展对策 9
结语 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 11