
密 惠 保
零售业在我国的发展经历了集贸、商超、连锁店、电商等商业形态, 现阶段O2O有效整合了线上流量、线下门店及其物流配送等三方面优势,成为零售业当前主要的商业模式。网络零售业经历了近六年高速增长的局面开始向中高速平稳增长过渡,同时线下向线上迅速扩张的势头减弱,取而代之的网络零售对零售行业的渗透和反哺作用逐渐增强。大数据时代背景下,大数据应用问题已经成为各行业关注的焦点,基于现代化高新技术的大规模定制,以及“工业互联网”背景下产生的C2M个性化定制正被越来越多的企业竞相尝试。服装零售业在现代化流通环境下表现出“全渠道融合”、“大数据驱动”、“大规模定制”、以及“数字化营销”等显著特征。2016年的杭州•云栖大会,马云提出“新零售”概念,为零售模式创新构筑了宏伟蓝图,大数据应用业已成为各行业转型“新零售”的动因。本文以“新零售”为视角结合特定案例,对服装行业大数据应用进行深入分析,总结出服装业在大数据驱动下转型“新零售”的系统策略。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
The development of retail industry in China has experienced the trade, trade, chain, electricity and other commercial forms, O2O at this stage effectively integrated online traffic, offline stores and logistics and distribution of three advantages, as the retail industry is currently the main business model. The network retail industry has experienced nearly six years of rapid growth in the situation began to steady growth in the high-speed transition, while the line to the rapid expansion of the momentum weakened, replaced by the retail network of retail industry, the role of infiltration and nurturing gradually enhanced. Large data in the context of large data applications has become the focus of attention of various industries, based on the modernization of high-tech mass customization, and "industrial Internet" background generated C2M personalized customization is being more and more enterprises to try The Clothing retail industry in the modern circulation environment to show the "full channel integration", "large data-driven", "mass customization", and "digital marketing" and other significant features. In 2016, Hangzhou Yundu Conference, Ma put forward the "new retail" concept, for the retail model innovation to build a grand blueprint, large data applications has become the transformation of the industry, "new retail" motivation. In this paper, the "new retail" as the perspective of a specific case, the application of large data in the apparel industry in-depth analysis, summed up the garment industry in large data driven transformation of "new retail" system strategy.
Key words: "new retail"; big data; Clothing retail industry; business model
第一章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 研究内容与技术路线 3
1.4 相关理论与研究综述 5
第二章 “新零售”主要特征探究 6
2.1 “新零售”提法由来 6
2.2 服装企业如何站上“新零售”风口 6
2.2.1 全渠道融合成新零售共识 7
2.2.2 大数据运用成“新零售”关键动因 7
2.2.3 大规模定制成为“新零售”突破口 8
2.2.4 数字化精准营销使“新零售”更擅营销 9
第三章大数据运用为导向的零售创新 11
3.1 服装业大数据运用现状 11
3.1.1 服装零售“大数据”的数据库来源 11
3.1.2 大数据时代服装企业数据获取的困境 11
3.1.3 服装企业搭建大数据平台的重要意义 12
3.2 大数据应用维度服装零售企业新型商业模式创新路径 12
3.2.1 基于“大数据”零售模式创新的资源前提 12
3.2.2 基于体验、营销以及管理的运营创新 13
3.3 基于“大数据”的服装企业零售创新建议 13
第四章服装企业转型“新零售”策略探究 15
4.1 典型服装企业发力“新零售”具体表现 15
4.1.1 快时尚服装企业试水“新零售”举措 15
4.1.2 红领西服C2M个性化定制 16
4.1.3 互联网时尚品牌——茵曼、韩都衣舍探索新零售 16
4.2 服装企业“新零售”战略制定 17
4.3 服装企业探索新零售的系统策略 18
第五章总结 20
参考文献 21
致谢 23