
密 惠 保
With the development of multimedia communication and computer, a large amount of multimedia information such as image data and voice signal needs to be processed because the amount of data used to represent the information is large, which is reflected in the length of the signal. If the signal processing is carried out directly, The amount will be larger, it is not conducive to the real-time signal processing and transmission. Convolution as an important part of signal processing has been optimized for optimization.
In the traditional algorithm, the first generation is the linear convolution of the relationship between the linear system input and the output in the time domain, and then the periodic convolution of the periodic sequence is calculated. Finally, convolution is carried out by periodic convolution, The convolution of the convolution is the most basic operation in the convolution algorithm.
In some practical applications, it may be desirable to linearly convolize a sequence of finite lengths with a variable length or fairly long sequence. If the entire sequence of storage and then do a large number of operations, not only the amount of computing is too large, and often delay is not allowed, often also require ready to receive at any time to deal with. In these cases, the long sequence is segmented and each segment is convoluted with the short sequence, which is the segmented convolution. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
In this paper, we focus on the method and practical application of segmented convolution, understand the basic principle of algorithm, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of practical application. The main work of the paper is as follows:
1.Understand the basic principles of linear convolution, circular convolution and cyclic convolution, and analyze the relationship between each other;
2.Analyze several algorithms for dealing with segmented convolution to understand the optimization method;
3.In this paper, we focus on analyzing and writing the code of overlapping addition method, overlapping reservation method and linear scale superposition method, and the application of segmented convolution in speech signal synthesis.
By comparing the computational complexity and computational efficiency of the algorithm, the characteristics of the algorithm can be analyzed to facilitate the better application in practice.
Key Words:Convolution; Segmented Convolution; Overlay Retention; Overlapping Additive
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 各章节安排 2
第2章卷积运算基本原理 3
2.1 线性卷积运算基本原理 3
2.1.1 卷积运算 3
2.1.2 线性卷积运算 4
2.2 圆周卷积运算基本原理 5
2.2.1 圆周卷积运算 5
2.2.2 圆周卷积与线性卷积的联系 6
2.2.3 基于MFFNT的圆周卷积运算 7
2.2.4 构建主值序列矩阵改进圆周卷积运算 7
2.3 循环卷积运算基本原理 7
2.4 基于FFT的卷积运算 8
2.5 分段卷积运算基本原理 9
2.6 基于MPI同步模型的运算基本原理 10
第3章基于FFT的分段卷积算法 11
3.1重叠相加法 11
3.2重叠保留法 12
3.3 线性比例重叠相加法 13
3.4两种分段卷积算法与直接卷积的比较实验 14
3.4.1 实验安排 14
3.4.2重叠相加法算法流程图及说明 14
3.4.3 重叠相加法与直接卷积比较结果 16
3.4.4 重叠保留法算法流程图及说明 17
3.4.5 重叠保留法与直接卷积比较结果 19
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章三种分段卷积算法在语音信号合成中的应用 21
4.1 重叠相加法在语音信号合成中的应用 21 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
4.2 重叠保留法进行语音信号合成中的应用 22
4.3 线型比例重叠相加法进行语音信号合成中的应用 22
4.4 本章小结 23
第 5章结论与展望 25
5.1 全文工作总结 25
5.2 未来工作展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 28