
密 惠 保
摘 要:在实验室条件下,研究了克氏原螯虾捕食福寿螺以及对距水面不同高度的卵块的捕食情况,利用均匀设计和支持向量回归(UD-SVR)研究了外界环境因素对福寿螺产卵高度的影响。试验结果表明:在整个处理时期内,克氏原螯虾对福寿螺的捕食率和福寿螺的螺壳有关,即完全去壳的捕食率最高;鳌虾对卵块的捕食率和卵块距离水面的高度呈反比,即卵块距离水面越高,鳌虾对其的捕食率越低;福寿螺的大小、岸壁和水面间的距离、夜间温度、夜间湿度四个因素中,只有水面和岸壁间的距离对福寿螺产卵高度具有显著的影响,表现为水面距容器壁距离越长,福寿螺产卵高度越大。
Using Procambarus Clarkia of Biological Cntrol to Prevent PolTtcIEea canaliculata
Abstract: We studied Procambius clarkii prey on different height of eggs on the water surface laid by Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) and Redswamp crayfish ampullarium screw prey in laboratory. And we used a novel experimental design and analysis method named as UD-SVR (uniform design and support vector regression) to study the influence of environmental factors on the height of eggs laid by Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck). The result Of redswamp crayfish predation rate and ampullarium screw on the screw ampullarium screw, i.e. completely to shell the highest rate shell prey; The result indicatedpredation rate was inversely proportional to height of eggs on the water surface, and when the height was higher, the predation rate was lower. The result also showed that in the four environmental factors: size of the snails, distance between the water surface and shore, temperature at night, humidity at night. Only the distance between the water surface and shore has significant effect on the spawning height of snails, the distance between the water surface and shore was proportional to the height of eggs. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key words: Procambarus clarkii; Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck); biological control;ingestion rate;

目 录
摘要 1
关键词: 1
1 前言 2
1.1 福寿螺的生物学特性 2
1.1.1 福寿螺的繁殖和休眠 2
1.1.2 福寿螺食物的选择性 3
1.2福寿螺的生态学特性 3
1.2.1 福寿螺的习性及栖息地特点 3
1.2.2 福寿螺对外界环境的适应能力 3
1.2.3 福寿螺的天敌 4
1.3 福寿螺的危害 4
1.3.1 福寿螺危害植物的种类及方式 4
1.3.2 福寿螺对人以及自然环境的危害 4
1.4 本文研究目的与意义 5 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
2 材料与方法 6
2.1 材料 6
2.2 方法 6
2.2.1 克氏原螯虾捕食福寿螺的试验 6
2.2.2 克氏原螯虾捕食卵块的试验 6
2.2.3 不同因素影响福寿螺产卵高度的试验 6
2.2.4 数据处理 7
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 克氏原螯虾捕食福寿螺的影响因素: 7
3.2 克氏原螯虾捕食福寿螺卵块 8
3.3 不同因素影响福寿螺产卵高度 10
4 结论与讨论 11
4.1 结论 11
4.2 讨论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 14