
密 惠 保
摘 要: 本研究主要调查了实验大棚甜椒上的西花蓟马消长并对其进行抗性监测,实验大棚内烟粉虱、西花蓟马和叶螨在不同寄主植物和同一寄主植物上的竞争试验,记录各种害虫的种群动态变化。研究表明田间大棚甜椒上西花蓟马随着作物的生长和气温升高而快速繁殖,且对蓝色有明显趋向性;烟粉虱、西花蓟马和朱砂叶螨在同一寄主植物上的竞争中,朱砂叶螨在3种寄主中的数量明显高于另外两种试虫,烟粉虱和蓟马的变化趋势大致相同,在不同寄主植物上的竞争中,害虫更倾向于在茄子为害;几种不同药剂对西花蓟马进行生物测定中,我们可以发现昌平种群和海淀种群的抗性倍数都高于敏感种群,有低抗性水平趋势,西花蓟马对其它药剂都比较敏感。
Population Dynamics of Western Flower Thrips
Abstract: This study investigated the growth and decline of western flower thrips on sweet pepper in experimental greenhouse and its resistance monitoring, competition tests of western flower thrips, whitefly and mites on different host plants and the same host plants in experimental greenhouse, and recorded changes in population dynamics of all kinds of pests. The results showed that western flower thrips on greenhouse sweet pepper crops as the temperature rises and rapid growth and reproduction, and there is a clear trend of the blue.competition tests of western flower thrips, whitefly and mites on different host plants and the same host plants showed that mites’number at 3 host plants was significantly higher than the other two test insects’, whiteflies and thrips similar trend in the competition on different host plants, the insects tend to eggplant.Several different agents on the western flower thrips biological determination, we can find Haidian, Changping populations’ resistance ratio were higher than the populations of sensitive species, a low resistance level trends,Western flower thrips are more sensitive to other agents. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: west flower thrips; Population dynamics; growth and decline;resistance
目 录
摘 要: 1
关键词 1
1 前言 2
2 材料和方法 5
2.1 甜椒上西花蓟马种群消长动态调查 5
2.1.1 供试作物 5
2.1.2 调查昆虫 5
2.1.3 试验方法 5
2.2 烟粉虱、西花蓟马和叶螨在不同寄主植物和同一寄主植物上的竞争试验 5
2.2.1 试验材料 5
2.2.2 供试作物 6
2.2.3 供试虫源 6
2.2.4 试验方法 6
2.3 西花蓟马抗药性监测 6
2.3.1 供试昆虫 6
2.3.2 供试药剂 6
2.3.3 材料 7
2.3.4 生物测定 7 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
3 结果与分析 7
3.1 甜椒上西花蓟马、烟粉虱种群消长动态调查 7
3.2 烟粉虱、西花蓟马和叶螨在不同寄主植物和同一寄主植物上的竞争试验 8
3.3 西花蓟马抗药性监测 15
4 讨论 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 19