学籍管理系统论文 VB开发
密 惠 保
Management System is a student-assisted school student school Department staff to complete day-to-day work involving school management, school management and performance schedule of the three relatively heavy day-to-day work span of its application in computer data processing and data to preserve the outstanding Performance, to help staff to improve efficiency, reduce error situation at the same time span can provide rapid search queries as well as the required results for the print function of the span
School management system features:
For school management services provided by school administrators span through school management system related to the management of student data on student span
The modular structure of the school management, performance management and start-stop operation of the system can also be run separately, as long as the provision of various parts of the data required for entrance to span
A unified style, standard interface, easy to use school student of the various sub-systems management span
Easy-to-use tool for data query, maintenance and printing span
Keyword: information management system, school management, VB
目 录
[摘要] 3
第一章 绪言 4
第二章 系统需求分析 5
2.1现行业务系统描述 5
2.2组织结构 5
2.3业务流程分析 6
2.4现行系统存在的主要问题分析 8
2.5提出可能的解决方案 9
2.6可行性分析与决策 9
第三章 新系统逻辑方案 11
3.1数据流图描述 11
3.2数据字典描述 17
3.3基本加工的小说明书 20
第四章 系统总体结构设计 21
4.1软件模块结构的设计 21
4.2计算机系统配置方案的选择和设计 30
4.3系统总体安全性方案与措施 30
五、系统详细设计 30
5.1系统登录界面: 30
5.2系统主界面: 34
5.3数据录入 37
第六章 系统的实现 62
6.1系统开发环境 62
6.2系统测试: 62
参考文献 66
部分运行界面 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
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