销售管理系统论文 VB开发
密 惠 保
关键字:供应链管理系统 销售管理系统 信息化 竞争优势
The management of the business enterprise is the management of the supply chain。The supply chain management changes the traditional business enterprise’ competing model to a cooperation for winnings the colleague relation, and improve the whole benefits of whole supply chain. The supply chain management also becomes the important contents that business enterprise manages. At the same time, the quality that supply chain manage not only affects the benefits of the business enterprise oneself directly, and affect the benefits of the other business enterprise in the supply chain directly.
This text study the importance of sale from the angle of he supply chain to the business enterprise, put the sale in environment of the supply chain management, The business enterprise information spread very much in the modern business enterprise, and also very widespread. Traditional business enterprise management mode will soon be took place by the new business enterprise management mode. However the business enterprises cannot afford for large information turning software. This text put forward solutions for small business enterprise information [14].
The software of sale Management is a tool if a business enterprise wants to change their management model. It can increase the business enterprise information handles and the ability handles with the information speed, obtain the competitive advantage in vigorous competition for the business enterprise [13].
Key word:Supply chain management
前言 1
1 系统的开发背景 1
1.1 SCM的产生、发展与现状 1
1.2 销售管理系统的开发背景 4
2 系统开发方法 5
2.1 生命周期法[1] 5
2.2 原型法 6
2.3 面向对象方法 6
2.4 计算机辅助软件工程方法(CASE) 6
2.5 各种开发方法的比较以及该系统开发方法的选择 6
3 系统分析 8
3.1 引言 8
3.2 可行性分析 8
3.3 开发目标 9
3.4 系统概述 11
3.5 数据流图与数据字典 14
3.6 接口 22
4 系统设计 23
4.1 系统设计概述 23
4.2 总体功能结构图设计 24
4.3 销售子系统总体结构框架设计 25
4.4 代码设计 26
4.5 数据结构与数据库设计[4] 27
4.6 模块功能与处理过程设计 34
5 系统实施 38
5.1 主要窗体界面 38
5.2 系统运行 50
结束语 51
参考文献 52
附录 53
附件 54
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