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自动排课系统论文 VB开发



制定一个学校的排课计划是一项非常耗时且相当辛苦的工作,而且它还得由有学校排课工作经验或者这方面知识的人才能做好。在一所高校时一个课程表的制定是一个难题,因为在有关课程表的问题上有很多的限制条件得考虑,还有大量的数据空间被挖掘,即便你的输入数据量并不是实际意义上的大批量。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]



随着科学技术的不断提高,计算机科学日渐成熟,其强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,它已进入人类社会的各个领域并发挥着越来越重要的作用。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

本系统经过测试,运行稳定,可投入使用。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]





Abstract [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

Formulates a school platoon class plan is an item consumes extremely when also the quite laborious work, moreover it also must by have the school row of class work experience or this aspect knowledge talented person can complete. When a university a class schedule formulation is a difficult problem, because has the very many limiting condition in the related class schedule question to result in the consideration, but also has the massive data space to excavate, even if your input data quantity is not in the practical significance mass.


The curriculum arranges the system is a school essential part, Its content said regarding the school policy-maker and the superintendent all very important, Therefore the automatic curriculum arranges the system to be supposed to be able to provide the sufficient information and the quick inquiry method for the user. But the people have since always used the traditional artificial way management document file, this management way has many shortcomings, For example: The efficiency low, the secrecy is bad, Moreover the time one is long, Will produce the massive documents and the data, This regarding the search, the renewal and the maintenance has all brought many difficulties.


Along with science and technology unceasing enhancement, The computer science is mature day after day, Its formidable function had profoundly known for the people, t entered the human society each domain and is playing the more and more vital role.


This system after the test, the movement is stable, may put into the use. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

Key words: Curriculum management, VB, database






目 录


     2 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

Abstract    3 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

第一章  绪论 5


1.1本课题的研究意义  5 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

1.2系统可行性分析    6 [来源:http://think58.com]

第二章  开发软件介绍  7 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

2.1系统的架构   7


2.2系统运行环境操作系统  7


2.3系统开发环境 7


2.4开发工具 8 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

2.4.1Visual Basic的简介 8


2.4.2 ACCESS简介    9 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

第三章  需求分析 11 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

第四章  系统实现 13


4.1  本学期课程设置模块设计   13 [来源:http://think58.com]

4.2 教师入库信息模块设计 14 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

4.3  课程安排管理模块设计 16


4.4   课程查询模块设计    19


第五章  系统的问题与调试  21


总 结   22 [来源:http://think58.com]

     23 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

参考文献 24 [来源:http://www.think58.com]




部分运行界面 [版权所有:http://think58.com]







