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收支管理系统论文 VB开发





摘要  [资料来源:http://think58.com]

收支管理系统是一个企业或者家庭不可缺少的部分,企业很早就实施了收支的集中管理,而家庭使用的小型收支管理系统却只是凤毛麟角,收支是很小的一个部分,但大到企业,小到家庭都有十分重要的意义。从国内外社会经济和科学技术的发展趋势看,要使我国在日趋激烈的国际竞争中立于不败之地,就必须全面贯彻落实江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”思想和中央提出的“科教兴国”战略,必须大力发展教育、科技和文化事业,大力推进教科文各项事业体制改革。在今后一个时间内,教科文各项事业必然有一个较快发展时期,必然对今后的教科文事业收支管理工作提出许多新问题和新要求。要适应新形势的需要,顺利完成教科文事业收支管理工作,就必须进一步转变思想观念,转变工作作风,增强创新意识,及时了解和掌握教科文事业与收支管理工作中的重要情况,及时解决工作中遇到的重点、难点和热点问题。可以说,没有一个好的收支制度,就没有良好的发展前景。 [来源:http://think58.com]





功能二:每月根据收支记录计算当月总收入、总支出、余额和各种类收支情况。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

功能三:根据计算的结果作出一年来各个月的总收入、总支出、余额和各种类收支情况的拆线图。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]





功能六:收支记录可完全显示并保存较久时间,便于调查各个时间阶段不同的收支情况。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

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Revenue and expenditure management system is a family enterprise or an indispensable part of the business have long focused on the implementation of the revenue and expenditure management, and the use of the small family income and expenditure management system has only very few, the balance of payments is a very small part, but To enterprises, small to have a family of great significance. At home and abroad from the socio-economic and scientific and technological development trends, to make our country in the increasingly fierce international competition in an invincible position, it is necessary to fully implement Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents" put forward by the central authorities and "Science and Education And rejuvenating the country "strategy, we must vigorously develop education, science and technology and culture, vigorously push forward the cause of reform of the Education, Science, Culture. In the coming time, the Education, Science, Culture bound to cause a rapid development period, the inevitable future revenue and expenditure management of the cause of Education, Science, Culture put forward many new problems and new requirements. To meet the new situation, the successful completion of the Education, Science, Culture cause of the management of revenue and expenditure, it is necessary to further change ideas, change the style of work, strengthen their sense of innovation in a timely manner to understand and grasp the cause of Education, Science, Culture and the management of revenue and expenditure in an important situation in a timely manner Working to solve problems encountered in the major and difficult issues and hot spots. It can be said that there is no good system of revenue and expenditure, there will be no good prospects for development.


I hope that my three-year study by the establishment of a procedure used to help the family to carry out effective management of revenue and expenditure, mainly in the following functions: [资料来源:THINK58.com]

A function: to preserve the balance of payments recorded for each input, and provide three types of inquiries: date of the law, the type of law, the amount of law, open the browser window or a combination of three methods.


Second feature: According to the monthly calculation of income and expenditure records for the month of the total revenue, total expenditure, and the balance of revenue and expenditure categories. [资料来源:THINK58.com]

Three features: According to the results of calculations made on each of the past year, total revenue, total expenditure, balance and a variety of categories of income and expenditure plans Reliable.


Four functions: some of the daily, monthly, quarterly or annual fixed payments that occurred can be automatically added.
Five features: the entire balance of payments records can be exported as text files in order to do other work.


Six features: income and expenditure records can be fully preserved and displayed for a longer period of time for time to investigate all the different stages of the revenues and expenditures.


Key entry inquiries export revenue and expenditure management















