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  核心提示:如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066摘 要 IABSTRACT II第一章 引言 11.1 背景 11.1.1教师管理系统 11.2开发教师管理系统的目的和原则 31.3开发环境介绍 31.3....

如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066 


摘 要 I
第一章 引言 1
1.1 背景 1
1.1.1教师管理系统 1
1.2开发教师管理系统的目的和原则 3
1.3开发环境介绍 3
1.3.1 开发平台 4
1.3.2数据库设计工具——ACCESS数据库管理系统 7
第二章 系统设计 9
2.1 系统分析 9
2.2 系统流程和操作方式设计 11
第三章 系统界面设计 12
3.1系统界面设计以及代码分析 12
第四章 数据库的设计 30
4.1数据库设计 30
4.2 数据库概念和发展 30
4.3系统测试与评价 38
总 结 39


致 谢 40
参考文献 41






摘 要









Since the 20th century, the rapid development of social productive forces, science and technology, exchange of information is the depth and scope of increasing the volume of information rapid growth, the traditional information processing and decision-making tools have not the needs of the community, the importance of information and information processing problems urgency unprecedented increase, in the face of increasingly complex and evolving. changes in the social environment, in particular the increasingly keen competition among enterprises situation, a person or an enterprise to survive in modern society, and development, we must have sufficient information and powerful information gathering and processing tools.
For a school, a lot of information to teachers through traditional means; This urgent need for using computer technology to help school managers to deal with the day-to-day management of information teachers. Teachers management system is a typical use of management information systems cases.


Management Information System is a collection of information technology, economic management theory, statistics and research, database integration technology for the integrated system is a capital-and technology-intensive and labor-intensive, intellectual-intensive projects. China has a vast market and abundant human resources, technical accumulation and decades of accumulated experience, a certain advantages. Mis innovation can not sell, not self-assertive. We should seize the current favorable opportunity to network economy, China's information technology and to achieve a leap forward of the information industry, give better play to the information industry to stimulate economic growth.
Development of school teachers in the management process is to achieve data systems approach to the management of the artificial computer management changes in computer technology and management practices between teachers build bridges. [资料来源:http://think58.com]

Keyword : teacher management, management information systems, databases, computer management






第一章 引言

