
密 惠 保
Soil Pingba railway tunnel is a short railway tunnel. According to the design principle of railway, combined with the actual situation of the tunnel design by modern technology. In this design the portal portal design of wing wall, the two ends of the tunnel design into Ming hole, by way of excavation excavation of tunnel hole body, other part of the bench excavation method and whole section method.(according to the requirements of the theory of railway tunnel design part IV rock in the construction process is often used in bench excavation, rock Part III full face method can be used for excavation) in the design and construction of Soil Pingba railway tunnel, due to the special geological condition, the design of the long tunnel, Part IV rock tunnel by excavation is relatively simple; lighting design, other parts are in the tunnel surrounding rock grade, so it needs only to be excavated by the entire cross-section. The double ditch, two lining construction joints design of water swellable rubber strip (strip), flexible waterproof board laying between initial support two. Mainly for lining lining composite lining. The new light source lighting. The tunnel length is only 198 meters, the tunnel distance is very short, so it only needs to use natural ventilation mode for ventilation. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key Words:Wing wall portal, tunnel excavation, step excavation method, full face method, composite lining
2.1 隧道概述
一、工程地质评价:正常涌水量为 、最大涌水量为 。(由此可设计出防排水的设施,计算排水沟等的规格。)

目 录
摘要 3
1.1课题的研究目的与意义 4
1.2国内外隧道发展现状 4
第2章 工程概况 6
2.1 隧道概述 6
2.2工程地质条件 6
2.3 区域地质构造 6
2.4 水文地质条件 7
第3章 隧道洞口及断面设计 8
3.1隧道洞口位置及形式 8
3.1.1 洞门位置选择 8
3.1.2洞门形式选择 8
3.2 隧道横断面设计 9
进口断面设计图如下: 9
出口断面设计图如下: 9
3.3隧道内衬及净空 10
3.4洞门验算 10
3.4.1基本信息 10
3.4.2端墙稳定性验算(进出口洞门) 12
3.4.3翼墙的稳定性验算 14
第4章 隧道支护结构的设计 18
4.1隧道预支护设计 19
4.2隧道初期支护设计与计算 19
4.2.1 概述 19
4.2.2 初期支护的设计 19
4.2.3 Ⅳ级围岩初期支护机构计算 19
4.3.1 喷混凝土支护作用P1值计算 20
4.3.2 设置钢支撑形成的支护作用P2值计算 22
4.3.3 插入锚杆形成的支护作用P3值计算 22
4.3.4 围岩自身抵抗破坏能力P4值计算 23
4.3.5 最小支护抗力值Pmin 24
4.3 隧道二次衬砌设计与计算 26
4.3.1深浅埋判定计算 26
4.3.2三级围岩衬砌验算 27
4.3.3Ⅲ级围岩衬砌验算 32
第5章 隧道施工方法 37
5.1明洞施工 38
5.1.1施工要求 38
5.1.2 施工准备 38
5.1.3明洞路堑开挖 38
5.1.4边坡临时支护 38
5.1.5基地处理 39
5.1.6仰拱施工 39
5.1.7 仰拱回填 39
5.1.8拱圈施工 39
5.1.10明洞回填 40
5.2暗洞施工 40
5.2.2全断面法施工 41
5.3照明设计 41
5.4通风设计 41
5.5排水设计 42
第6章 土方开挖量计算 42
第7章 安全管理 43
第8章 设计总结 45
参考文献 46
致谢 47 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]