
密 惠 保
本次设计的是广东某公路S2段,经论证,确定为双向4车道高速公路,设计行车速度120 KM/h。路线全长8 KM,起止桩号为K0+000-K8+000。主要设计内容包括路线、路基和路面。经纸上选线和定线,完成了平面线形设计。根据技术指标的要求,结合地形和地质等自然条件,完成了路线纵断面设计。绘制了1 KM长的路基横断面设计图,并完成了路基边坡防护、排水和挡土墙设计工作。选用沥青混凝土路面,设计了两种路面结构方案。推荐采用以水泥稳定碎石作为基层的沥青混凝土路面方案,面层厚度18cm。
The design of this section is a section S2 of a highway in Guangdong Province. After the demonstration, it was determined as a two-way four-lane expressway with a design speed of 120 KM/h. The total length of the route is 8 km and the starting and ending station number is K0+000-K8+000. The main work includes routes, subgrade and pavement design. Through the selection of lines and fixed lines on the paper, the planar linear design was completed.According to the requirements of the technical indicators, the design of the longitudinal section of the route was completed considering the natural conditions such as topography and geology. Subgrade cross-sections within 1 KM road were drawn, and the subgrade slope protection, drainage, and retaining wall were also designed. Asphalt concrete pavement was selected and two types of pavement structures were designed. The asphalt concrete pavement with cement stabilized gravel as the base layer is recommended, with a surface layer thickness of 18 cm. [来源:]
Keywords: highway;route design; subgrade design;pavement design

摘要 I
Abstract II [资料来源:]
1 绪论 1
1.1 项目建设的必要性 1
1.2 沿线自然条件 1
1.2.1 气候 1
1.2.2 地形与地貌 1
1.2.3 工程地质 2
1.2.4 水文地质 2
2 平面设计 3
2.1 公路等级的确定 3
2.2 设计行车速度的确定 3
2.3 选线 3
2.3.1选线的基本原则 3
2.3.2 选线的步骤 4
2.4平曲线设计 4
2.4.1平曲线设计原则 4
2.4.2 平曲线要素值的确定 5
3.1 纵断面设计的原则 10
3.2 纵坡设计的要求 10
3.3 纵坡设计的步骤 10
3.4 竖曲线设计 10
3.4.1 确定竖曲线要素值 10
3.4.2 竖曲线要素的计算 11
3.5 方案比选 13
4 横断面设计 15
4.1 横断面各部分尺寸的确定 15
4.2 路拱的确定 15
4.3 平曲线加宽及其过渡 15
4.4 最大超高率及超高过渡方式 15
4.4.1 最大超高率 15
4.4.2 超高过渡方式 15
5.1基本规定 17
5.1.1路基设计洪水频率 17
5.1.2路基干湿类型 17
5.1.3路基边坡 17
5.1.4路基压实标准 17
5.1.5公路用地宽度 17
5.1.6 路基标准横断面布置 18
5.1.7 土石方计算 18
6.路基防护与支挡结构设计 19
6.1.坡面防护 19
6.2.挡土墙设计 19
6.2.1墙身与基础 19
6.2.2 挡墙排水设计 19
6.2.3 沉降缝与伸缩缝 19
6.3挡土墙稳定性验算 19
7 路基排水设计 26 [资料来源:]
7.1排水设计原则 26
7.2 排水设计的具体步骤 26
7.3 排水设施 26
8.路面工程设计 28
8.1路面设计基本资料 28
8.2轴载换算 28
8.3路面结构的选定 31
8.4路面设计弯沉值和结构层容许层底拉应力 32
8.5路面结构层厚度确定 33
8.6交工验收弯沉值和层底拉应力计算 34
9.结论 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39