
密 惠 保
摘 要
此系统设计上采用三层结构、Web Service技术,使之在选用平台、采用技术上具有先进性、前瞻性、扩充性,从而保证建成的系统具有良好的稳定性、可扩充性。系统设计按标准化、规范化,分层设计,构件化实现。采用软件构件化的开发方式,使系统结构分层,业务与实现分离,逻辑与数据分离;以统一的服务接口规范为核心,使用开放标准。从功能上来说,系统是比较完备的,系统以Web界面与用户交互,为用户提供信息并接受其操作,同时通过数据库管理系统来存储信息数据。系统实现了对信息数据的浏览、查询、编辑和管理等基本数据库操作,采用了模块化设计方法,根据用户的需求及程序的应用与维护的易用性,将各个部分置于不同的模块当中,方便了程序的扩展与维护,同时建立了程序功能复用的基础。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
关键词:信息共享,JSP,ACCESS,Web Service,Tomcat、Dreamweaver、Javabean、 交互性。 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
"Shiquansimei" booking system is a typical e-commerce sales platform, the development based on B / S of the realization of online sales, is based on JSP + ACCESS 2000 model. E-commerce on the Internet is the transit system-a sales platform, the ground is an extension of the distribution system and complementary, but also merchants and customers a very effective channel of communication. Present in China, different procedures to achieve online sales accounted for about 78 percent of manufacturers around the remaining 22 percent or so that manufacturers are trying to create an online sales to the ground material ready. Zan here, and Internet sales, shopping malls have become the future status of the war take advantage of the indispensable tool.
The online sales system is mainly for the development of a restaurant, the restaurant has many years of accumulated store marketing, whether from customers or from the areas of logistics, warehousing and so on, are perfectly capable of doing the material prepared for sale online. The system design using three-tier structure, Web Service technology, so that the choice of platforms, using a technically advanced nature, forward-looking, scalable, thus ensuring completion of the system has good stability, scalability. System design by standardization, standardization, and hierarchical design, component of achieving. Use of software component of the development mode, the system hierarchical structure, operations and implementation of separation, logic and data separation to a unified service interface specification as the core, the use of open standards. From the function, the system is more complete, the system to the Web interface and user interaction, provide users with information and accept its operation, at the same time through the database management system to store information and data. System of the information and data browser, query, editing and database management, and other basic operations, using a modular design, according to the needs of users and the application procedures and maintenance of the ease of use, will be placed in various parts of different modules To facilitate the expansion and maintenance of procedures, procedures for the establishment of a functional rehabilitation with the foundation. 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.56DOC.COM〗 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Key words: e-commerce, JSP, ACCESS,Web Service, Tomcat、Dreamweaver、Javabean、 interactive.
根据系统功能分析,可以画出系统的功能模块图,从客户界面,管理界面分别对功能模块图加以描述。系统分为六个主要模块其中包括:系统用户账号管理、通讯录管理、记事本管理、收藏夹管理、储存 箱管理、修改密码。普通用户从前台进行登陆,登陆后会自动跳转到开始导航菜单页面,用户可以对 该系统进行使用。超级管理员从后台进行登陆,登陆后可以对普通用户进行管理。
设计好系统功能模块有助于下一步开发,画出系统的功能模块图,然后在画出系统流程图,设计人员可以一步一步的进行逻辑分析、设计,这样能领系统更加健壮,设计更加合理。该通讯录管理系统从整体上概括可分为两大部分,分别是前台普通用户进行注册、登陆,后台超级管理员进行登陆。超级管理员具有该通讯录管理系统的最高权限,可以对普通用户进行删除操作等。 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 5 6 D O C.C O M〗

目 录 14000字
摘 要3
前 言 6
第一章 系统概述 .7
1.1 本课题的研究意义7
1.2 本课题的目的及内容7
第二章 管理系统概述 ..8
2.1 文件共享平台的开发方法介绍8
2.1.1 B/S体系结构8
2.2.3 ACCESS介绍9
2.1.4 HTML介绍9
2.2.5 JSP及JavaBean介绍10
第三章 系统调研及可行性分析 12
3.1 系统调研12
3.2 可行性分析12
3.2.1 经济可行性12
3.2.2 技术可行性12
3.2.3 操作可行性15
3.2.4 法律可行性15
第四章 系统需求分析..17
4.1 业务流分析17
4.2 数据流分析18
4.3 数据字典19
第五章 系统设计 22
5.1 网站概要设计22
5.2 系统功能模块划分22
5.3 数据库设计23 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
5.3.1 数据库需求分析23
5.4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计25
第六章 文件共享服务系统界面设计 27
6.1 首页设计27
6.3 通讯录信息界面的设计28
6.4 管理员登陆界面设计30
6.5 后台首页界面设计31
6.6 记事本信息管理界面设计31
6.7 收藏夹管理界面设计32
总 结 ....35
参考文献 36
致 谢 ..37 〖毕业设计(论文)咨询QQ:306826066〗