
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:球迷社区,球星搜索,Struts2, Hibernate,Tomcat
Nowadays there are millions of basketball fans all around the world. Online fans community, basketball fans forums provided an excellent platform for communication. This dissertation explains the whole structure of a well-developed website. The content incluses all the processes of the designing and developing of this system. There are several chapters such as requirements analysis, system design, coding and testing. There are also different modules need to be accomplished including the encyclopedia module, news module, and fans forum module. Users login the system and they can access the latest basketball information. 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
They can also learn about their favorate basketball superstars. They can even exchange their thoughts with others. The goal of this site is to provide a practical, entertaining and interesting site for all basketbal fans. The techlonogies involed in this system are Sturts2 design, JS, CSS and so on. Tools used here are Myeclipse and Tomcat database. There will be lists of source code and charts included in this dessertation to help the system.
Keywords: Online community, Star search,Struts2, Hibernate, Tomcat
最佳的软件运行环境是:操作系统是Windows XP,数据库使用mysql,设计数据库用的是staruml和powerdesigner。应用服务器使用Apache组织下的tomcat5.5,java虚拟机使用jdk1.5。我是用MyEclipse8进行项目开发的,所以要调试的话使用MyEclipse8打开工程项目为好。
根据网站系统的需求,网站分为球星百科,新闻资讯和球迷论坛三个模块。球星百科能让篮球爱好者熟悉了解自己喜欢的球星的资料,新闻模块能了解最近发生的篮球消息。球迷论坛是球迷交流的区域,篮球爱好者可以发布自己的主题和帖子,用户的身份分为游客,注册用户和论坛版主,管理员。游客只能够对球星百科和新闻资讯模块进行浏览和查询,注册用户拥有游客的权限之外还可以浏览论坛,发布主题和回复主题,版主可以显示在论坛的首页,管理员可以对网站的所有模块进行浏览和管理,包括论坛管理,用户管理,主题管理,球星管理,新闻管理共四个管理功能。 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 5 6 D O C.C O M〗 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗

〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗