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小区物业管理系统的设计与实现(JSP SQL)(SSH框架)


摘 要
因此,基于B/S体系架构创建这个小区物业管理网站,紧跟行业发展,满足人们生活、学习的需要。建立一个基于B/S架构的小区物业管理网站,实现信息网络化。通过较丰富的功能将 Web的技术特点体现出来。该系统可供管理员、注册用户、以及游客登录使用。登录者可以查询信息或者发布信息,可以通过此网站了解小区物业管理情况,小区住户还能够查询各种收费。系统中管理员为必不可少的模块项,主要是为了安全有效地存储和管理及维护网站的各类信息,赋予管理员特定的权限,可以对用户和各种信息进行分类,添加,删除,修改等。方便网站的管理与维护。
要实现这样的功能,离不开后台数据库的支持。用户验证注册信息,收集到的用户信息,分析得出的关联规则表等大量的数据都由数据库管理系统管理。本文中数据库服务器端采用了SQL SERVER2000作为后台数据库,以先进的JDBC技术与数据库连接,结合SQL语句处理对用户分类,添加,删除,修改等操作,使Web与数据库紧密联系。 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

关键字:小区物业管理,SQL SEVER2000 JDBC
With the technology of computer and network of development rapidly, Internet/Intranet is used in common more and more within the world. Nowadays is advancing forward the information social, information system is effective larger and larger .In tradition materials circulation, on account of information management accelerating to materials circulation is not awareness, many a time attach importance to hardware equipment but make light of software equipment. Otherwise, most of materials Circulation Company in China is development in the basic of tradition materials circulation, hardly corporation can supply a synthetic service, the function of contemporaneity materials circulation is not exerted. Materials circulation corporation in China, materials circulation services not only hardware equipment bur software equipment have a distinct gap.
With the development of economy day by day, information age have reached 。All kinds of information tend to digitization、distinctly. That how to make materials circulation management programming、intelligentize is more and more important ,especially in the vehicle management system ,which is a important tache , intelligentize management artifice is thought highly of more and more. Though we should make good use of astronomical memory capacity、high-powered processing capacity, and so on ,these predominances to assistant vehicle of management system so that computer resource  are utilized reasonal ,attach to reduce work force and enhance quality of labor indeed. [来源:http://think58.com]
This article primarily analyses the composing of management system ,includes :requirement、design goal of system、data structure、data flow and mostly characters of system and so on ,emphases introduce system of function model detailed thinking, implement method and key techniqued of expound, for example, GIS、GPRS  and so on.


Key words: vehicle of management, information system, materials circulation management [资料来源:THINK58.com]

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 引言 4
1.3系统的研究意义 4
1.5 系统开发步骤 6
2 开发环境 7
2.1 软件工程介绍 7
2.2开发环境及工具 7
2.1.1选择JSP 2.0作为开发语言 7
2.2.3选择SQL2000 作为后台数据库 8
2.3 JSP数据库开发技术 8
2.3.1.JDBC开发数据库 8
2.3.2.BDE开发数据库 9
2.4 体系结构 10
2.4.1 系统体系机构的一般阐述 10
2.4.2 C/S模式与B/S模式的比较分析 11
2.4.3 B/S模式的优势 12
2.4.4 C/S模式的优势 12
2.5 开发方法整体选择 13
3 系统分析 14
3.1 模块设计 14
3.2 功能模块图 14
3.3 数据库设计概述 15
3.4 数据库设计周期 15
3.5 SQL查询语言及使用 17
3.6 系统数据分析 17
3.7 系统数据库设计 18
4 详细设计 20
4.1 用户登录界面 20
4.2 添加住户信息 21
4.3 业户管理 22
4.4 管理员设置 23
4.5 投诉管理 23
4.6 系统基本信息 24
5 系统调试与测试 25
5.1 程序调试 25
5.2 程序的测试 25


5.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 25
5.2.2 测试的步骤 26
5.2.3 测试的主要内容 26
6 结  论 28
致  谢 30
参考文献 31
预览图: [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

