校园二手市场交易平台的设计与实现(JSP SQL2000)

密 惠 保
目      录
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 前言 1
1.1、课题选择的背景及意义 1
1.2、课题研究的内容和本论文的组织结构 1
第二章 系统的分析 3
2.1、可行性分析 3
2.2、需求分析 3
2.2.1、系统描述 4
2.2.2、权限 4
2.2.3、用例识别 4
2.3、系统开发环境 6
第三章 系统的总体设计 7
3.1、系统流程 7
3.2、系统模块设计 9
3.2.1、前台客户端管理模块 9、个人信息管理中的功能模块 9、信息浏览功能模块 9、信息查询功能模块 10、购物车功能模块 10
3.2.2、后台管理端模块 10、用户管理功能模块 10、商品管理功能模块 11
3.3、系统E-R图的设计 11
3.4、数据库设计 13
3.5、开发工具及关键技术的介绍 14
3.5.1、JSP技术介绍 14
3.5.2、JavaScript概述 15
3.5.3、MVC概述 15
3.5.4、UML概述 17 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
第四章 程序模块的实现及界面设计 19
4.1、程序登录及注册 19
4.2、查询功能模块 24
4.3、购物车功能模块 24
4.4、供应商管理模块 27
4.5、系统管理模块 29
第五章 总结 35
参考文献(References) 36
致 谢 37
本文主要分析了该交易平台实现的相关技术原理,给出了交易平台实现的系统架构,并对架构及交易平台模块结构作了划分及设计。本文在系统的架构上采用了当前流行的B/S 结构,通过JSP、Java Script 、Dreamweaver和Microsoft SQL Server 2000数据库等软件的强大功能完成了该交易平台。
经过测试,该系统能够在window2003+ Tomcat中用IE浏览器正常运行。该交易平台简单方便,易于用户操作。为学生们的二手货交易提供了个良好的交易平台。
关键词:JSP;Java Script;Dreamweaver; 数据库系统;B/S;校园二手市将交易平台
With the rapid development of Internet technique in China, more and more people use the new tech as a tool severing their life and study. Because WEB page can collect text, image, sound, animation, video together. and the hypertext property of homepage can not only make the display of information pages lively, but also make the browse of information more convenient.
The system makes full use of JSP Web development technology ,and it provides a good development platform for the design and implementation of campus secondary market trading platform ,also the system development uses the MVC model. Through this trading platform, Users can search and inquiries goods and make second-hand transactions. Different users have different permissions. Administrators can manage users and merchandise effectively.
In this paper, it analysis the technologies related principle of the trading platform and provides the system structure for the Implementation of transaction platform .It also makes design division for the module structure of trading platform.  In this paper, the current B/S structure, JSP, Java Script, Dreamweaver and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database software completion of the strong capabilities of the trading platform. In this paper ,the system structure used the current epidemic B/S structure, and make the secondary commodities to be traded in the platform which is developed by using the JSP, Java Script, Dreamweaver and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database technologies. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
After testing, the system can be operated well in IE browser which is under window2003+ Tomcat environment. The trading platform is simple and convenient, and easy to operate, which is good for transaction of second-hand commodities by the students.
Keywords: JSP;Java Script;Dreamweaver;Microsoft SQL Server 2000;B/S;Campus secondary market trading platform
第一章 前言