
密 惠 保
摘 要
本系统有三个权限,个人用户权限、企业用户权限和管理员用户权限。个人用户权限包括信息的新增,修改,删除。企业用户权限实现了信息的发布,查询,修改等管理员权限可以进行新闻的发布,还有投票结果的查看,也可以对一些信息进行删除。由于各模块的分开及进入系统前验证用户身份,也加强了各种信息的安全性及保密性。根据系统所需功能,决定以Windows 2005 Server为开发平台,采用SQL Server 2000做后台数据库,选择功能强大的Eclipse为开发工具,利用软件工程思想和方法,总体上用结构化生命周期法进行系统分析和设计,采用快速原型法来实现,本系统界面简洁清晰,与目前网大多数网上招聘差相比操作更加简单。
该系统使用了功能强大的Java Web开发技术,前台页面使用JSP,使用了基于MVC机制的Struts技术。操作方便,可维护性强。经过大量的测试,基本符合用户需求。 [来源:http://think58.com]
关键字:招聘信息查询,Java,Struts,SQL Server 2005
In modern recruitment information more and more complicated, management has informationization today, how manage daily data is becoming more and more important. Previous recruitment system information content is not comprehensive, update not quickly enough, the lack of strict management background, the system design is compensated for the current general recruitment website some shortage, simple introduction of securities companies online recruitment development prospects.
This system has three permissions, personal user permissions, enterprise user permissions and administrators to user permissions. Individual user permissions include the information the add, edit, and delete. Enterprise user permissions realized the information released, query, modify etc administrator permissions can undertake news release, and the voting results of view, also can to some information to delete. Because each module of the separate and enter the system prior to verify user identity, and also strengthened the all kinds of information security and confidentiality. According to the system required function, decided to Windows 2005 Server for development platform, using SQL Server 2005 do backend database, the choice of powerful Eclipse as a development tool, using the software engineering idea and method and, in general, use structured life cycle method for the system analysis and design, use rapid prototype method to achieve, this system interface simple clear, and current WangDa most online recruitment difference compared to operate more simple. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
This system USES powerful Java Web development technology, front desk page using JSP, use based on MVC mechanism of Struts technology. Easy operation, strong maintainability. After a lot of testing, basically comply with user requirements.
Keywords:Information Searching, Java, Struts,SQL Server 2005 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
目    录
1 概述 1
2 系统的可行性研究与需求分析 2
2.1 可行性研究 2
2.1.1经济可行性 2
2.1.2技术可行性 2
2.1.3 运行可行性 2
2.1.4 时间可行性 2
2.1.5 法律可行性 2
2.2 需求分析 3
2.2.1 系统需求 3
2.2.2 性能需求 3
2.2.3 应用需求分析 3
2.2.4 运行需求分析 3
2.2.5 其他需求分析 4
3 相关技术简介 5
3.1 JSP 编程语言 5
3.2 SQL SERVER 2000据库 5
3.3 B/S模式与C/S模式的比较分析 6
4 系统分析和项目开发计划 8
4.1 系统分析 8
4.2 项目开发计划 8
4.3 系统功能简介 8
4.4 处理流程设计 9
4.4.1 数据增加流程 9
4.4.2 数据修改流程 10
4.4.3 数据删除流程 11
4.5.1数据库设计 12
5 系统设计 16
5.1 管理登陆 16
5.2 会员管理 16
5.3 公告管理 17
5.4 新闻管理 18
5.5 人才储备管理 18
5.6 发布招聘信息 19
6 系统测试 20
6.1 程序调试 20
6.2 程序的测试 20
6.2.1 测试的重要性及目的 20 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
6.2.2 测试的步骤 21
6.2.3 测试的主要内容 22
7 结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27