
密 惠 保
本学生班级网站是基于JSP技术标准所实现的网站,在tomcat服务器的支持下所设计实现。在系统的设计与开发过程中,采用了JSP结合CSS以及JavaScript设计语言,以MyEclipse为开发工具,使用MySQl Server数据库来存储数据。网站使用B/S架构,开发过程中遵循了三层架构的模式,不仅降低了该系统的复杂性,更是提高了系统的可扩展性。而本网站最大特点就是为学生提供了一个交流论坛,学生可以通过发帖回帖共同讨论生活以及学习问题,使得交流更加方便。学生登录系统后还能查看公告信息以及查看同学的个人信息,使得获取信息更加迅速和全面。另外,本系统设置了管理员权限,管理者可以通过登录管理员账号进入系统管理界面,可以对学生和帖子进行查看和删除操作,还能删除公告以及发出新的公告。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Nowadays, with the rapid development of computer technology and network technology and the popularity of college students PC, making use of the network to manage the lives of students in the class and learning routine becomes possible. Between traditional students to communicate through cluster tools such as WeChat groupand QQ group approach has also failed to meet the needs of students. The establishment of student class websites just to provide a good platform for students and allow students to access information more convenient. Not only to achieve the students to manage the network, it is able to become a student learning and life indispensable helpers and tools.
The site of student class is based on JSP technical standards to achieve, under the support of the tomcat server designed to achieve. In the design and development process of the system, using a MySQl Server databases to store data.Binding JSP CSS, and JavaScript languages to MyEclipse as a development tool to use. Website uses B / S structure, the development process follows the three-tier model, not only reduces the complexity of the system, but also improve the system's scalability. The most important feature of this website is to provide students with a forum for the exchange students can discuss life and learning problems by posting replies, making communication more convenient. Students can view the announcement after logging system information and to view the personal information of students, making access to information more quickly and comprehensively. In addition, the system administrator sets the permissions, managers can log into the system administrator account management interface, students can post and view and delete operations, but also delete the announcement and issue a new announcement. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
The site joined by CSS HTML is designed to achieve a colleague in some of the basic functions, and improve the site viewing interface, good interface, easy to use, it has a good user experience. Site illustrations, page fresh, consistent Students characteristics.
Key Words:JSP; B/S Three-tier architecture; class forums; administrator privil
•掌握myeclipse、mySQl Server、tomcat的JSP网站的开发环境,学习JSP、CSS、HTML以及JavaScript等语言的使用。
第一章 绪论。表述了该系统的研究背景,JSP技术标准的国内外研究现状,介绍了本论文的研究内容以及组织结构。
第二章相关技术分析。介绍开发该系统所用到的主要技术以及开发环境。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本论文研究内容与组织结构 2
第2章相关技术 3
2.1开发环境简介 3
2.1.1开发工具 MyEclipse Professional 2014 3
2.1.2数据库MySQL Server 4
2.2 JSP网站开发步骤 4
2.3本章小结 5
第3章系统可行性研究及需求分析 6
3.1系统可行性研究 6
3.2需求分析 6
第4章系统设计 8
4.1框架设计 8
4.2数据库设计 9
4.2.1 E-R模型 9
4.2.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 9
4.3本章小结 11
第5章系统的实现及测试 12
5.1系统的开发以及运行环境 12
5.2关键技术的实现 12
5.2.1连接数据库 12
5.2.2登录注册 12
5.2.3删除帖子、用户以及通知 13
5.2.4修改信息及密码 13
5.2.5用户注销 13
5.3系统测试 13
5.4功能测试界面呈现 14
5.5本章小结 19
第6章工作总结 20
6.1工作总结 20
参考文献 21