中兴客户服务管理系统-业务逻辑核心框架(Eclipse Luna,MySQL)

密 惠 保
中兴客户服务管理系统-业务逻辑核心框架(Eclipse Luna,MySQL)(任务书,开题报告,论文9000字,程序代码,MySQL数据库)
关键词:Struts Spring Hibernate 框架
The development of Environment for ZTE customer service management system based on the core framework
In the information society, with the computer and network technology increasingly developed, the unprecedented development of e-commerce, sales of many commodities markets have gradually shifted from the tangible virtual network, in order to meet the needs of people , management system came into being.ZTE customer service management system is a systemwhich services customer.
Graduation strictly follow the software development process, the use of the MVC pattern, using the open-source framework Struts, Spring, Hibernate for development, backend database using MySQL, and databases through Hibernate drivers for seamless connectivity,Spring manages business logic and entity classes for the project.It realize the true sense of the visual layer and the model layer and the separation of the control layer and achieved the purpose of decoupling and high-efficiency development.The main purpose of the design is familiar with the web application of these open source technology.It can skillfully use these frameworks development process.The function of the system is mainly divided into two parts. One is front,another is end .Font display to the user's page, administrator management functions is the end. This paper mainly discusses three kinds of frame technology and the application of this frame is used in graduation design.These frameworks is implemented in the design.
Key word: Struts; Spring; Hibernate; Framework
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 引言 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 系统框架国内外研究状况 1
1.3 系统主要内容 2
1.4 本文内容安排 2
第二章 SSH框架技术 3
2.1 Struts 2 3
2.1.1 Struts2发展历史 3
2.1.2 Struts2的优越性 3
2.1.3 Struts2的核心机制与工作原理 4
2.2 Spring 6
2.2.1 为什么要用Spring 6
2.2.2 Spring 工作原理 7
2.3 Hibernate 8
2.3.1 多角度看Hibernate 8
2.3.2 Hibernate 工作流程 8
第三章 系统实现 11
3.1 搭建开发环境 11
3.1.1 安装开发工具 11
3.1.2搭建项目开发框架 11 [来源:http://think58.com]
3.2 注册页面解析Struts2 流程 12
3.3 Spring 在项目中应用 12
3.4 Hibernate 在项目中应用 13
3.5 SSH 框架整合后在项目中体现出的的优越性 14
3.6 本章总结 14
第四章 系统中的编码规范 15
4.1 代码组织与风格 15
4.2 命名与声明规则 15
4.3 错误与异常 16
4.3 本章总结 16
第五章 系统问题分析与总结 17
5.1 系统问题分析与总结 17
5.2 开发过程中问题总结 17
结语 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]