
密 惠 保
With The Implementation Of Rental System Design Of Automobile [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Abstract:In this paper, using the JAVA programming language as the main body, with a JDBC connection MySQL database to design and implement this system. Specific methods used to JAVA for the script of the JSP language and B/S structure to build a complete Web page management system. Paper mainly introduced the research background of this system, and the main functional modules and its specific implementation method and process. Also emphasizes the related technology and the system design in the process of the implementation and operation process of some related problem solutions.
This paper also emphatically discusses the design and other online car rental system of development and innovation. This system is adapt to the trends of e-commerce, nature also added some e-commerce brings some new characteristics. Added to customers such as the design on the platform to new certification process, and the realization of the innovation direct online communication between the customers and clients. There are other innovation place, at the same time of efficient system management, this car rental management system to provide the services in addition to offer customers drive car rental, and absorb the new trend of The Times, to provide driving services, and rental with driver's services, this not only can provide part of rental service, can even for driving and the related aspects ability some chance to earn extra commission.
Key words: Auto Rental; JSP; MySQL; B/S; E-Commerce

目 录
1.绪论 1 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
1.1.研究背景和现状 1
1.1.1.研究背景 1
1.1.2.国内外研究现状 1
1.2.研究意义与目的 1
1.2.1.研究意义 1
1.2.2.研究目的 2
1.3.系统设计需求分析 2
1.3.1.系统所用的工具分析 2
1.3.2.应用和运行需求分析 2
1.4.系统实现可行性分析 2
1.4.1.系统经济可行性 2
1.4.2.系统技术可行性 3
1.4.3.系统运行可行性 3
1.4.4.设计与实现时间可行性 3
1.4.5.法律可行性 3
2.设计思路 3
2.1.研究方法及设计思路 3
2.1.1.研究方法 4
2.1.2.设计思路 4
3.系统设计与实现过程 5
3.1.系统功能模块 5
3.2.系统主控流程 6
3.3.系统ER图 7 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
3.4.系统详细实现 8
3.4.1.系统登陆页面 8
3.4.2.本系统的主要程序目录 8
3.4.3.登陆后的主控界面 10
3.4.4.系统用户管理模块 11
3.4.5.车辆信息管理模块 11
3.4.6.客户信息管理模块 12
3.4.7.租金管理模块 13
3.4.8.信息统计模块 14
3.4.9.租赁信息管理模块 15
4.具体的数据库设计 15
4.1.在MyEclipse中连接数据库 15
4.2.MySQL中数据库表的设计 17
4.2.1.管理员用户表的设计 17
4.2.2.管理员登陆日志表的设计 17
4.2.3.车辆表的设计 18
4.2.4.客户租赁信息表的设计 18
4.2.5.系统信息表的设计 19
4.2.6.租金信息表的设计 19
4.3.关键模块的ER图 20
4.3.1.admin 管理员e-r图 20 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
4.3.2.car车辆信息e-r图 20
4.3.3.ht客户信息e-r图 21
4.3.4.zj租赁信息e-r图 21
4.4.MySQL数据库的实现 22
4.4.1.用Navicat管理数据库 22
4.4.2.系统管理员表实现 22
4.4.3.管理员登陆日志表实现 23
4.4.4.车辆信息表实现 23
4.4.5.客户信息表实现 23
4.4.6.系统说明表实现 23
4.4.7.租金信息表实现 24
5.系统测试和总结 24
5.1代码调试 24
5.2.系统功能模块测试 24
5.3.总结 25
参考文献 25
致谢 26 [版权所有:http://think58.com]