
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
基于J2EE的商业银行贷款管理信息系统的设计与实现(硕士论文)(毕业论文30000字) [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
摘 要 随着社会经济的不断发展,商业银行经营规模和信贷业务种类都有了显著地发展,银行信贷管理系统直接管理银行的信贷业务的日常运营,因而传统的基于C/S架构的银行信贷管理系统面临着多种问题,包括不同的软硬件平台、不同的数据库架构设计、数据之间的同步和互操作性、系统整体效率和可维护性过低等问题。 本文在基于J2EE体系结构的基础上,研究了采用Struts框架结构的B/S设计模式,系统开发采用了基于J2EE的MVC架构,使用MSSQL Server 2000数据库,在充分分析银行贷款管理系统的结构和业务需求的基础上,按照软件工程方法,首先对系统进行了需求分析,并使用UML面向对象建模技术,逐步给出系统的用例图,并进行系统的总体设计,阐述了系统的主要体系架构,系统设计的主要功能模块包括客户信息管理模块、客户授信控制模块、放款中心审批管理模块、放贷后跟踪管理模块等,针对贷款业务的各个流程、各个不同的业务分类进行模块设计和实现。 基于J2EE平台和Struts框架技术的商业银行贷款管理系统具有可移植性高、安全性好、再用性高等优点,系统能够开发部署在异构环境中的可移植程序。基于J2EE的开发的贷款管理系统不依赖任何特定操作系统、中间件、硬件,因此一次开发后就可以部署到各种系统平台,这在典型的银行系统异构计算环境中是十分关键的。 关键词:银行信贷管理,J2EE,Struts框架,信息管理系统 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of social economy, the scale of commercial banks and the types of business credit have a significant development, commercial bank credit as the most important commercial bank business activities began to face many challenges, but the bank management system directly manage the bank credit business, so which based on the traditional C / S structure of the banking credit management system faces many problems, including different hardware and software platforms,different database schema design,the synchronization and interoperation between data, the low of system overall efficiency and maintainability,so useing the introduction of new architecture and software framework has very important significance, including a number of components, simplify and standardize the application system development and deployment, which has good portability, security, and with the re-use value. In this paper, based on J2EE architecture, study using Struts framework structure of B / S design patterns, system development using the J2EE-based MVC architecture, using MSSQL Server 2000 database, in the full analysis of the structure of bank loans and business management systems demand, according to software engineering methods, firstly get the system needs analysis, and using uml with object-oriented modeling, and gradually getting the system use case diagram, and the overall design of the system,describing the main system architecture,The key features of system design include customer information management module, the customer credit control module, approval of lending center management module, management module to track after the lending, points to the loans for all processes, all different business segments for the module design and implementation. The credit management information system based on Struts framework with high portability, safety, and reusability advantages, systems can develop and deploy the portable programs in heterogeneous environments. The development of J2EE-based credit management information system does not rely on any particular operating system, middleware, hardware, after a development,it can be deployed to a variety of systems, which is critical of banking system in a typical heterogeneous computing environment. Key words: Credit management Information System,J2EE,Struts Framework[资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
