
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
摘 要
贴吧的全称是电子布告系统,起初它还只是个公布信息的一种工具,但是随着技术的不断发展,现在的贴吧最终发展成一个信息整合、思想交流、资源共享的电子互动平台。 它可以提供给注册用户一个平台,用户可以通过网路的接入,登录贴吧,在这个平台上发表文章、阅读文章、回复文章等等。这次的系统开发详细表明了贴吧系统的设计思路,并对各部分设计进行了详尽的分析,最终给出了一个完整的设计方案并对其进行了实现,以便在投入实际应用后系统可以更加稳定可靠的工作。系统开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面,真正实现信息资源的共享。
The design and implementation of Post Bar system
With the rapid development of economy, network has penetrated into every field of life and work of people, people pay more and more attention to using the network fast and accurate to complete their work, the twenty-first Century is the era of network. People pay more attention to the Internet, in addition to shopping, people also gradually began to change in the network communication. In the case of Postbar, it has become an important place for people to obtain information, speech. It consists of the forum registered user sends a lot of theme. In recent years, with the development of Internet, online PostBar is becoming more and more popular, so the construction of a good postbar is becoming more and more important.
The full name of the forum is the electronic notice system, at first it was just released a tool of information, but with the development of technology, now the forum eventually develop into an information integration, resource sharing, exchange ideas of electronic interactive platform. It can provide users a platform, network users can access, login to the forum, published articles, read, reply to the article and so on in this platform. The development of the system with that design ideas of the system, and design the various parts of a detailed analysis, and finally a complete design scheme is given and the realization of them, so that in practice the system can be more stable and reliable work. The system development mainly includes two aspects the establishment, maintenance of the background database and front-end application development, realize the sharing of information resources.
This system is developed by java language, in the web environment, B/S three layer structure model based on the postbar forum system, combined with the development of a tool for the development of myeclipse. This system has good flexibility, expansibility, compatibility, easy maintenance, the interface is beautiful, functional and practical function. Through this system, people can realize real-time online communication, truly sharing of information, can also actively and timely to participate in the discussion, in understanding others opinion also can express their views.
Keywords: postbar system;B/S structure;sqlserver

目 录
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
1 绪论 1
1.1 系统开发背景 1
1.2 系统开发意义 1
1.3 组织安排 1
1.3.1 任务目标 1
1.3.2 运行环境 2
2 可行性及技术简介 3
2.1 Jsp简介 3
2.2 B/S结构工作模式图 4
2.3 Myeclipse简介 4
2.4 SQL Server简介 4
2.5 可行性分析 5
2.5.1 技术可行性 5
2.5.2 经济可行性 5
2.5.3 操作可行性 5
2.6 需求分析 6
3 可行性及技术简介 7
3.1 系统概要设计 7
3.2 系统功能模块设计 7
3.3 数据库设计 8
3.3.1 系统实体图 8
3.3.2 数据库表 10
4 系统实现 12
4.1 系统概述 12
4.2 系统页面实现 12
4.2.1 系统首页 12
4.2.2 用户注册页面 13
4.2.3 管理员发布帖子页面 16
4.2.4 类别管理页面 17
4.2.5 贴吧管理页面 18
4.2.6 用户管理页面 20
4.2.7 用户精华帖子页面 21
4.2.8 搜索帖子页面 22
5 系统测试 22
5.1 正确认识软件测试 23
5.2 软件测试的目的 23
5.3 系统测试的方法 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27
外文资料 28
中文翻译 33

