
密 惠 保
基于当前计算机和网络技术的快速发展与普及,本文设计并开发了基于java的教师管理系统。该系统主要实现的功能主要包括老师个人信息、系统基本信息维护、教师管理系统、教材管理、老师和教材分配和留言管理等。其中老师管理主要用来实现对各类用户的信息进行设置管理。教师管理系统主要用来实现管理员对教师管理系统的格式进行设定。用来实现管理员上传有关教师教学的任务如开题报告等。教师管理系统主要是用来实现教导主任对老师和辅导员进行管理。留言管理主要是用来实现教导主任和老师及辅导员之间的相互留言,教师把教师管理系统的修改意见及其它信息以留言的方式发给老师并且支持群发留言的功能。系统将采用J2EE技术中的Struts + Hibernate技术设计,选用B/S模式作为设计方案,使用MVC设计思想实现系统的开发,采用MYSQL5.0数据库管理系统进行后台数据库管理,并使用MyEclipse 10.0开发环境进行系统开发。系统的实现将有效提高教师管理系统效率,使教师管理系统的指导工作更加智能化,并且具有较广泛的推广价值。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
The teacher management system based on Java
With the rapid development of Intemet, our society has entered the era of network. To improve the teaching management level by means of network technology, to build brand high school has far-reaching significance. Teachers management system is an important part in University education. How to make full use of the shortage of teaching resources, improve the utilization rate of resources, do of teacher management efficient, timely guidance, has become the focus of teacher management system and the whole school management. Therefore, the design and development of a with universal convenient management system for teachers, to improve the management of university teachers guidance is necessary.
Based on the rapid development and popularization of the computer and network technology, the design and the development of the teacher management system based on Java. This system mainly realizes the functions including maintenance of teacher's personal information, the basic information of the system, teacher management system, teaching management, teachers and teaching materials distribution and message management and so on. The teacher management is mainly used to set up management to achieve the various user information. The teacher management system is mainly used to achieve the administrator of the teacher management system format set. Used to achieve the task manager to upload about teaching such as the title of the report. Teachers management system is mainly used to achieve the teaching of teachers and counselors of director of management. Message management is mainly used to achieve the teaching interaction between director and teacher and counselor to leave a message, the teacher put the amendments of the teacher management system and other information to messages sent to the teacher and support the function of sending a message. System will use technology of J2EE struts + Hibernate technology design, uses the B / S mode as the design scheme, using MVC design idea of system development using mysql5.0 database management system for the backend database management, and system development using MyEclipse 10.0 development environment. The system can effectively improve the efficiency of the teacher management system, management system for teachers to guide the work of the more intelligent, and has wide popularization value. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
This paper, from the discussion of the software development life cycle from the point of view of the system system analysis, overall design, detailed design and system realization process. System analysis focuses on the system development the necessity, system functional requirements and system architecture of the application; the overall design, including the system demand analysis and database design; detailed design concretely describes the system implementation process; testing part mainly carries on the test to the system and its performance was tested. The object oriented design method, the overall goal of the system design principle, the system design and system structure of the characteristics are introduced in this paper.
Key words: teacher management system, based on Java, management system, design

目 录
1 引言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 关于开发教师管理系统的目的 1
2相关技术及工具的介绍 2
2.1 相关技术介绍 2
2.1.1 JSP技术 2
2.1.2 Struts架构 3
2.1.3 Hibernate技术 3
2.1.4 Ajax技术 4
2.2 相关工具介绍 4
2.2.1 Myeclipse简介 4
2.2.2 MySQL简介 5
2.2.3 Tomcat简介 6
3 系统设计 7
3.1 系统的功能需求分析 7
3.2 系统的数据分析与描述 7
3.2.1 老师管理模块 7
3.2.2留言管理模块 8
4 数据库设计与实现 10
4.1 数据库设计 10
4.1.1 数据的需求分析 10
4.1.2 概念结构设计 11
4.1.3逻辑结构设计 11
4.2 数据库实施 12
5 系统设计与实现 15
5.1 系统的设计 15
5.1.1 系统的设计思想 15
5.1.2 系统的结构设计 15
5.1.3 系统的整体设计 15
5.1.4 系统类的设计 16
5.1.5 老师管理功能的设计 16
5.1.6 教师管理系统功能的设计 16
5.1.7 留言管理功能的设计 17
5.2系统的实现 17
5.2.1 用户登录模块的实现 17
5.2.2课程模块功能的实现 18
5.2.3老师管理功能实现 19
5.2.4教材管理功能的实现 21
5.2.5审批管理功能的实现 21
5.2.6留言管理功能的实现 21
6系统测试 22
6.1 系统概要设计的测试 22
6.2 系统整体测试 22
6.2.1 功测试能 22
6.2.2 性能测试 23 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
6.2.3 稳定性测试 24
7 运行结果总结 25
附录(一) 26
参考文献 41
致谢 43