
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:JSP技术 查询 权限 软件测试
The computer inquires about the system, arise at the historic moment on the basis of the huge users in the school in grade examination. It is the systematic model using JSP technology to structure on LINUX server. This system adopts j2sdk1. 4. 1 _ 07 editions develop , use RESIN server to regard as and test the server , adopt mm. mysql. jdbc-2. 0pre5 drives the database . Use Dreamweaver to write JSP language.
The computer inquires the system solves how different kinds of users carry on different kinds of inquiry mainly in grade examination, namely super administrator, administrator and how user carry on different inquiry of authority student. It is easy to manage to limit the authority like this, and it is very clear to inquire about the result.
Certainly while the ones that develop the software system are long , we will face the intricate problem , people will unavoidably make mistakes , this needs to carry on software test. I test the module in the course of code, carry on system testing and confirm testing after the code. Adopt the method that the white box is tested and the black box test separately. Test result indicate interface of each module identical , transfer module can correct to receive the parameter, can transfer each module wanted to transfer by oneself while transfering the module. Every function is realized basically, produce and write down and fulfil requirements.
Key words: JSP technology Inquiry Authority Software test [来源:http://think58.com]
需求分析简单的说就是分析用户的要求。需求分析是设计数据库的起点,需求分析的结果是否准确地反映了用户的实际要求,将直接影响到后面各个阶段的设计,并影响到设计结果是否合理和实用。需求分析的任务是通过详细调查现实世界要处理的对象,充分了解原系统工作概况,明确用户的各种要求,然后在此基础上确定新系统的功能。也就是说我们希望系统做什么。这个阶段是对系统认识最为全面的阶段,应该是用户基本上确定自己的最终要求阶段。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
1) 超级管理员的功能:超级管理员可以对任意信息进行查询。包括按系查询、按年级查询、按姓名查询、按学号查询、按性别查询、按时间段查询、按等级查询和按考试类别查询等等。还可以进行复合查询。比如按系和按年级同时查询,那样就会列出所有符合条件的信息,然后加以选择性查询。
2) 各系管理员的功能:可以对本系的学生进行任意查询,同样也是包括按年级查询、按姓名查询、按学号查询、按性别查询、按时间段查询、按等级查询和按考试类别查询等。也可以进行复合查询,比如按年级和姓名等。但是不能对非本系的人员进行任何查询。
3) 学生用户的功能:通过自己的学号、姓名、性别、民族、身份证号、系别、年级等相关项进行查询,可以是单独输入某一项信息,也可以进行复合查询。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]