
密 惠 保
摘 要
随着全球信息化技术的兴起,特别是Internet的日益普及,我国各大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网。毕业生以班级为单位的原始手工报送的选题方式已经不能适应时代发展的需求, 所以基与互联网的毕业设计选题系统也就孕育而生了。
关键词: 审核;权限;多级角色管理
The Design and Implementation of Subject Selection System for Graduation Based on JSP
With the rising of global information technology, especially the growing prevalence of Internet, the technical institute colleges and universities in our country have set up their own Campus Net. For the traditional way of manual submission of selected subject cannot adapt to current demands, the Internet-based graduation subject selection system born.
Such system enables students to choose subject for graduation design through Internet. It adopts B/S pattern, and is suitable to both the local area network and Internet. It must implement functions such as the verification of the subject, the jurisdiction management, mail notification, as well as subject storage and searching. With the open subject management system and the flexible system, it can automatically verify the jurisdiction of a user and freeze the user. The system adopted the JSP as its main technology, and implemented the multistage role management. The system also implemented the management of the privilege of system managers, deans, students and teachers.
Key words: Verification; Jurisdiction; Multistage role management.