密 惠 保
摘 要
Java version of Minesweeper design and implementation
Minesweeper is a play of fairly simple popular small game, game winning conditions in the shortest period of time according to the number that appears click the grid to identify all non ray lattice, while avoiding stepped on a mine. With the progress of society, constantly improve people's pressure, the accelerating pace of life of people in the game, thedemand for constantly emerge in an endless stream, the game is also rising, and theMinesweeper still attract many people of all ages, of its own nature, determines the extent of people love it, do not need to special skills, do not need to constantly upgrade, also do not need too much time to familiar, simple but fun. The computer in the face of people for a long time will have a tired mood, and mine the game will not spend too much time at the same time, the game player to drive up thinking, to have multiple effects. The basic function of mine game: click the left mouse button in the unknown area, if the unknown area there is thunder, game stop, display all the mines. If there is no ray, is displayedaround the number of mine, if not around mine, then check whether there is thunderaround the eight areas until there is thunder now and show, game player needs to find outall the minefield not mine the box as soon as possible, but not stepped on landmines. The main purpose of this design is to pass the Minesweeper to deepen their understanding of Java language learning, improve their level of programming. [来源:]
Key words: minesweeper, algorithm design, event, JAVA
扫雷游戏分为初级、中级、高级和自定义四个级别。单击游戏菜单可以选择“初级”、“中级”、“高级”或“自定义”; 选择级别后将出现相应级别的扫雷区域,这是用户使用鼠标左键单击雷区中任何一个方块便启动计时器;用户要揭开某个方块,可单击它。若所点方块下有雷,用户便输了这一局,若所点方块下无雷,则显示一个数字,该数字代表方块的周围的8个方块中共有多少颗雷;如果用户认为某个方块下埋着雷,单击右键可以在方块上标识一个用户认为是雷的图标,即给出一个扫雷标记“雷”;用户每标记出一个扫雷标记(无论用户的标记是否正确),程
序将显示的剩余雷数减少一个;扫雷胜利后,游戏中的标签会显示“你赢了!”;如果在扫雷过程中一不小心碰到了雷,游戏会显示“你输了!”。 [版权所有:]
3 扫雷游戏设计
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.2 扫雷游戏的玩法 2
1.3 扫雷游戏与科学 2
1.4 开发语言及工具 3
1.4.1 java语言及特点 3
1.4.2 开发工具简介 5
2 扫雷游戏的分析 5
2.1 游戏可行性分析 5
2.2 游戏需求分析 5
2.3 游戏功能分析 6
3 扫雷游戏设计 6
3.1 游戏功能设计 6
3.2 游戏总体设计 7
3.2.1 算法思想 7
3.2.2 游戏界面设计 8
3.3 游戏详细设计 9
3.3.1 雷区设计流程图 9
3.3.2 游戏类设计 10
3.3.3 游戏外部文件的设计 11
4 扫雷游戏的实现 11 [资料来源]
4.1 随机布雷的实现 11
4.2 点击后提示数字的实现 13
4.3 游戏结束的实现 14
5 游戏的运行效果 15
5.1 游戏界面 15
5.2 游戏胜利 15
5.3 游戏失败 16
6 扫雷技巧 16
6.1 活用定式 16
6.2 局部优化 17
7 总结 18
参 考 文 献 19
致 谢 20