
密 惠 保
论文对Android系统架构和应用开发进行初步研究,运用Java开发语言设计了一款生日管家软件。在对系统进行详细需求分析的基础上,确定了系统的功能和性能要求,对软件的界面,布局等方面进行了详细设计。在软件的详细设计阶段中,首先,我们必须搭建好软件开发的必要环境,包括下载安装开发环境Eclipse和安装ADT扩充套件。其次,软件的设计主要是从两方面入手,一是界面UI设计;二是其功能的实现。由于UI设计相对简单,所以此次开发将功能的实现作为重点。在技术选型的时候,考虑Android自带的功能比较稳定,所以选用的是其自带功能。该软件很好地将Android自带功能,比如打电话功能、发短信功能放融入到其中,达到功能的多样化,便于对好友生日进行管理。 [来源:http://think58.com]
关键词: Android,生日管家,生日提醒
Based on the android birthday housekeeper software
design and implementation
With the continuous development and progress of society, the accelerating pace of life. People often because of trivial things, sometimes can not remember each friend's birthday, resulting in the family, friendship or love alienation.
On the other hand, the emergence of intelligent machines, mobile phones have become the main part of our life, and the use of mobile phones as a record of the chores of daily life has become the trend of the times. The need for a birthday steward in this context the public to help you record management relative's birthday.
The preliminary study on the Android system architecture and application development, a birthday housekeeper software is designed using Java language development. Based on the detailed demand analysis to the system, the function and performance of the system, the software interface, detailed design layout etc.. In the detailed design stage of the software, first of all, we must build a good environment for software development, including download and install the development environment of Eclipse and install the ADT extension. Secondly, the software design is mainly from two aspects, one is the UI interface design; the two is the realization of its function. The UI design is relatively simple, so it will function as the focus of the implementation. When the technology selection, relatively stable Android built-in function is considered, so the choice is its own function. The software will be a good Android built-in function, such as phone calls, send text messages function functions into one, to achieve the diversification of functions, easy to carry on the management to the friends birthday. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key words: Android,housekeeping,birthday reminder

论文主要结构及内容如下: [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 2
1.3 国内研究现状 2
1.4 软硬件需求 3
1.5 本文的结构 3
2 基础知识与开发技术 4
2.1 Android操作系统简介 4
2.1.1 Android系统特点 4
2.1.2 Android手机平台的优势 5 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
2.2 开发工具及其他软件的简介 6
2.2.1 开发工具 6
2.2.2 其他软件的简介 6
2.3 系统开发的环境 7
3 软件需求分析及概要设计 8
3.1 软件的需求分析 8
3.2 软件的概要设计 8
3.2.1 软件的功能模块说明 8
3.3 数据保存的设计 10
4 软件的详细设计 13
4.1 主界面的设计与实现 13
4.1.1 主界面的头部菜单栏 13
4.1.2 软件主界面功能的设计 14
4.2. 任务功能的设计 16
5 手机软件系统测试 18
5.1 手机软件测试概述 18
5.2 常用的软件测试方法 18
5.2.1 黑盒测试 19
5.2.2 白盒测试 19
5.2.3 基于风险的测试 20
5.2.4 基于模型的测试 21
5.3 本系统测试用例 21
6 结论 24
参考文献 26
致 谢 28